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When you Google The term "Fallen Angel," the very first thing that pops up is the Wikipedia version of what it is. Then you move down the blogs that people posted after they have done their own research, and then you get down to the darker websites that get into detail about every little thing. Here is an overview:

Fallen angels are angels that were casted out of heaven for disobeying God. They are apparently followers of Satan, also known as Lucifer, because Lucifer was once an angel too. Until he decided he wanted to be equal with God, which didn't roll over too well with big guy, God decided that Lucifer had to be punished. God threw Lucifer out of Heaven, which is why Lucifer now reigns as king of the underworld, more commonly known as Hell.

Any angel that wanted to follow Lucifer, or who was working with Lucifer, was also thrown out of heaven and are now Satan's demons. From that day forward, there were very strict rules all angels must follow. There are three main rules that will either make or break you as an angel of any kind in the heavens:

1. No angels are ever allowed to fight allies. (Meaning other angels.)
2. No angels under any circumstance (unless instructed to do so) are allowed to leave the heavens.
3. Finally, angels may never, ever fall in love with a mortal.

If an angel breaks even one of these rules, they are to be considered fallen angels and their wings will be clipped. They can either choose to go down to the underworld and become a demon, or they can remain on earth and stay immortal.

But if they choose to roam earth, there will be consequences.

The consequences will be chosen by the archangel that clipped the wings of the fallen. Consequences vary depending on the rules that were broken and the angel who broke them. The fallen will never escape the wrath of the archangels and the god of the heavens.

Which means, since Liam is still roaming the earth- and has been for decades- he's suffering the consequences.

I need a way to get Liam to spill everything. I know he told me that he will tell me his story Monday, but that's two days away. I am an impatient person.

I stuff another handful of chips in my mouth as I skim another website for more information on fallen angels.

"Slow down there little piggy, we're about to have dinner."

Well son of a bitch.

I spin my chair around and glare at Liam. I completely forgot about Andrew inviting Liam over for dinner tonight! I suddenly feel self conscious. I forgot I had changed into a spaghetti strap tank top and some soffe shorts. Oh my gosh my face! I took off my makeup and threw my hair into a bun, I even have on my glasses.

"Get out! You douche bag!" I say jumping up out of my seat. When I get up, chip crumbs fall off of me and onto the floor.

Real attractive, Jade.

I close the door in his face and he begins laughing uncontrollably. I press my back against the door and slide all the way down to the floor. I quickly pull myself together and walk towards my closet. I catch myself in the Jadalyn side of my closet.

If I want to get more information out of Liam, I will have to seduce him. He's a perverted horny teenage boy- or immortal boy, whatever. Anyways, the female body is a way to make him vulnerable, that way I can get him right where I want him to get more answers.

I pick up a skin tight grey cotton dress that hangs off the shoulders and has long sleeves. I take my hair out of the bun and my natural loose caramel curls cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I apply light natural makeup and then look at myself in the mirror. This is the only dress that makes me look like I have a nice ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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