Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to my phone going off, and I groaned and picked up the phone.
"What is is Seb?" I mumbled out sleepily.
"Well good morning to you too. I'm cramming for a history test last minute and I'm about to pass out, mind going by the Lima Bean and picking me up some coffee?" I sighed.
"You're lucky we're friends, Bas. I'll be at your dorm with your coffee in half and hour."
"You're the best Ames."
"I know." And with that I hung up, swinging my legs off my bed, shaking my head at how easily I crumbled.


"Order for Amelia?" I walked up to the counter and grabbed mine and Sebastian's coffee, and I was about to head out when I saw Kurt looking dejected at a table, and I was curious as to why he looked so upset. I walked over to the table and sat down across from him.
"Everything okay Kurt? You look a bit upset." I asked him, and he scoffed.
"Easy for you to say." He spat at me, and I leaned back, shocked at his additude.
"I'm sorry, did I do something?" He rolled his eyes, and stood up, t to walk away, but I jumped up and grabbed his arm. He spun back around, confusion in his eyes. "Kurt, what did I do?"
"You don't know." His confusion turned into realization.
"Know what?"


I stormed into Sebastian room, and he looked up at me as I slammed the door. He and Nick shared a room, and Nick looked like he knew exactly why I was so upset.
"Whoa Ames, what's wrong?"
"Here's your stupid latte, I got you 2 shots of courvoisier this time, you're gonna need it." I spat at him, slamming his coffee down on his bedside table, and he flinched.
"Amy, what are you talking about?" He looked up at me, trying to look innocent, but his eyes showed he knew exactly what I was talking about.
"I ran into Kurt today at the Lima Bean, he seemed a bit pissed. He soon figured out I had no idea what he was mad about, then proceeded to tell me the events that happened after I was removed from the line of fire." I practically has steam coming out of my ears at this point. "Although I'm not mad at Nick, correct me if I'm wrong, but he didn't seem to have a choice in the matter, did he?"
"Amy, please-"
"Don't call me that. Not anymore. Not after you did that to Blaine. I'm disgusted by you Sebastian, after everything I told you, everything I went through, that you could do something like that." I choked on the words, tears started to stream down my cheeks, and he stood up reaching out for me, but I stepped back, shaking my head at him. His eyes filled with hurt.
"Amelia I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Never talk to me again Sebastian. Seeing you will be bad enough. If you're really sorry, you'll leave me be."
And with that, I stormed out of his room.


Instead of going to Warbler practice that day, I went up to my room and sat on my bed, crying finally after holding it in all day. After an hour of exhausting my tear ducts, a knock at my door sounded.
"Leave me alone Sebastian." I yelled at the door.
"It's Nick." I stayed silent at that, and he opened the door, seeing me on my bed, eyes red and puffy. "Oh Amy." The tears started streaming again. He walked over to my bed, wrapping an arm around my back and I leaned on his shoulder. He rubbed my arm as I cried my eyes out.
"How could I have been so naive? I let myself believe that someone actually cared about me for once. I'm so stupid." He shook his head.
"You're not stupid, Sebastian likes you, he just doesn't like anyone else. He wanted me to get you out of there so you wouldn't see that side of him. He cares about you Amelia, a lot."
"Well it doesn't matter anymore." I wiped my eyes. "Let's go get coffee with the others. I need a pick me up. Lemme get changed and I'll met you guys there."
"Are you sure?"


I walked into the Lima Bean, looking around and I saw the boys sitting at a table

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I walked into the Lima Bean, looking around and I saw the boys sitting at a table. Nick looked up, and waved me over, and I smiled at him, making my way to them.
"Hi guys!" I said, trying to cover up my hoarse voice. "How was practice?"
"Kinda productive, I guess. Sebas-" NIck shot Trent a look, my expression dropping at the slightest mention of him. "You know what? It's not important."
"Guys, you don't have to treat him like he's taboo. He's your friend, you're allowed to talk about him." I said, putting my sunglasses on the bill of my hat. "I promise it's fine."
"No Amelia, we're not gonna make you suffer like that. Sebastian's an idiot for messing things up with you." Jeff told me and I smiled.
"You guys are the best. Thanks."
"It's no problem, Amy. You're a Warbler now." Trent said, and I smiled.
"I knew I could count on you guys to cheer me up."

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