Chapter 5

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About a month had passed since I went clubbing with Sebastian, Blaine and Kurt. I didn't remember anything from that night after dancing with Sebastian. I got to math class and looked back to see Sebastian in our normal seat. He looked up and we made eye contact, and he sent me a cheeky grin. I shook my head at him, a small smile decorating my features. I walked back and sat in the seat next to him.
"You ready for sectionals this weekend?" He asked. "Today we find out who we're up against." I nodded.
"I'm pumped honestly. Do you know who it's gonna be yet?" I asked, putting on a puppy dog face. He chuckled.
"Yes I do, Nick told me. But it's supposed to be a surprise, nice try." I groaned at his words. "Now shush, class is starting."


Sebastian and I walked into Warblers practice just as it was about to start.
"Everyone quiet down!" Nick called out, and the room went into a hush. " I hold in my hand our set list for Sectionals and our competitors as well. " He lowered the list to where he could read it as me and Sebastian sat. "First we will be doing Amelia with Cannibal, thank the heavens she can pull it off. We will then finish with For Your Entertainment, how's that coming Sebastian?"
" Absolutely amazing, Ames is great at picking up the moves. " I blushed and shoved him slightly.
"Oh shush." He sent me a wide grin.
" Now for our competition. First we will be against the Camden Academy Canaries. Then we have the... Tune Trainers from Havenwood High School. " I shot up from my seat. Everyone's eyes shot to me. "Amelia? Are you okay?"
" I... I can't do this. " I sped out of the room, trying to not fall over with how much I was shaking. I made it into the hallway and around a corner before I backed against a wall and slid down to the linoleum flooring. I buried my face in my hands and tears started streaming down my cheeks.
"Amelia?" I looked up to see Sebastian looking down at me. "What happened in there? You were fine a minute ago."
" Please Seb, I just can't do it. I can't perform. " He crouched down and sat next to me.
"What's scaring you? I know it's not stage fright." He mumbled to me. I let out a shaky sigh.
"That's my old high school. Havenwood. Let's just say I was not treated fantastic there. If I go on that stage, I'm gonna freeze up. They're all gonna laugh, or make fun of me, or maybe even worse."
" No. They won't. Because they're gonna be so mesmerized by your amazing voice and who you are now that there's no way they'll even think it's you. " He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. "And if they come anywhere near you I will make sure they regret it." I looked up at him and smiled.
"Thanks Seb." He smiled at me.
" Mon plasir,ma chérie(my pleasure, my dear). "


I looked myself over in the mirror and sighed

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I looked myself over in the mirror and sighed.
"You almost ready Ames?" I looked to the door, smoothed out my skirt, and walked to the entrance of the dressing room. I opened the door, looked up at Sebastian, and smiled. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. His eyes glanced over me, and I suddenly felt shy.
"Is it too much? I can take off the tiara-" I lifted my hands to my head, but he grabbed them and pulled them back to my sides.
"Vous êtes belle (you look beautiful). Those jerks from your old school won't know what hit them. Now let's go, we're on in 5." I followed him to the stage and got ready to perform. We had a really cool entrance planned. I sat on the cool lift we had, like the ones they used in Katy Perry's Dark Horse music video, and I leaned to the side, and splayed my legs to the side. The boys who were carrying me to the stage lifted me and I took a deep breath.
"And now , from Westerville, Ohio, the Dalton Academy Warblers!" The room filled with applause. The boys started to sing and they started walking me out slowly.

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