Chapter 1

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"Come on sir," My dad pleaded to the principal of Dalton Academy. "Amelia's well behaved, and she needs this no bullying tolerance policy. You're the only school in Lima that offers and we can't move. Please sir, she'll be a perfect gem."

"Dalton has never allowed a girl student in our 150 year history Mr. Blake. I don't see why we should make an exception now." Mr. Applebaum pressed, and I looked down in defeat.

"Sir Amelia's been to 5 different schools in the past two years, we can't keep this up, she won't graduate. This is her only hope." The principal looked off into the corner, thinking over the offer.

"Fine. She moves in next Monday. Here's the list of dress code requirements, since we do not have any female blazers-"

"I can take care of that sir," I mumbled out. "I took a sewing course in middle school, finding a navy blazer and sewing a red trim on would be simple." The principal nodded and sent me a short smile.

"Well then, here's the rulebook, make sure you skim through it before coming here. We will see you next week Miss Blake."


So that's how I ended up here, unpacking my last bag in my single dorm at Dalton, about to start my first day at this school. I looked myself over in the mirror, taking one final sigh, and grabbed my bag to head to my first class. The halls were filled with boys of all shapes and sizes, but one thing was consistent, they were all looking at me. I awkwardly shuffled through the crowd, hating the stares, but it was honestly better than the laughing and glaring of my previous schools.

I tried to black out the stares out but in the process I got myself lost. I sighed, looking around and being completely stumped on where I was. I saw a group of a few guys talking and I decided to build up the courage to ask for help.

"Excuse me?" I tapped on one of their shoulders and he turned around and looked surprised to see me there. "I need help finding room 23B?"

"Yeah, sure." He waved to his friends and started walking with me. "So you're the new girl? That's crazy."

"Yeah, it's so weird honestly, I feel like I'm being stripped by their eyes honestly." He laughed at my words.

"Well I promise they'll get used to you soon. I'm Nick Duval, the blonde guy back there was Jeff, and the other brunet was Trent. We're a part of the Warblers, our show choir group. You should think about joining, having a female voice would expand our abilities tenfold. How's your voice?" He started rambling, catching me off guard with the question.

"Um, it's okay I guess. I've never really sang in front of other people before." He nodded.

"Well, if you can pluck up the courage, we'd love to have you." He suddenly stopped. "Well, 23B just like you requested. Good luck today." I smiled at him as he walked off. I walked into the classroom to see the boys throwing paper and goofing off. The teacher just sat there looking mildly annoyed at her desk, like she wasn't happy it was happening, but she was used to it. I walked up to her.

"Excuse me? I'm Amelia Blake, I'm new." She looked up at me and smiled lightly.

"Yes, they told me you were coming today, you can have a seat next to Sebastian over there, he's the one siTTING ON THE DESK GET OFF OF THERE MR. SMYTHE IMMEDIATELY OR YOU'RE PAYING FOR A NEW DESK." Her voice slightly rose as she demanded he get down, and I could immediately who it was as he shot the teacher a sly smirk.

"You know I don't care Mrs. Edenfeild." The teacher huffed at his remark.

"Good luck with him Miss Blake, maybe some of your manners will rub off on him." I gave her a quick smile and made my way to the desk. As I sat, the boy looked down at me and gave me another of those weird smirks.

"Well hello there, you must be the new girl." He spun around on the desk so he was facing me, and held out his hand to shake. "Sebastian Smythe." I went to shake his hand, but he instead grabbed my hand and placed a kiss to my knuckles. "But you can call me whatever you want ma chérie." I pulled my hand away awkwardly, clutching the hand he kissed to my stomach.

"Amelia Blake." I mumbled out. "You speak French?"

"Oui, ma chérie. Parlez-vouz français aussi? (Yes, my dear. Do you?)" He immediately switched to the beautiful language.

"Oui, j'ai vécu à Montréal pendant 2 ans pour une classe d'immersion française. (Yes, I lived in Montreal for 2 years for a French immersion class.)" His face lit up like the Fourth of July.

"I like you Blake. You're fun. If I wasn't gay I'd totally go for you." My eyes went wide.

"Woah I totally did not get that vibe from you." I chuckled.

"Well it could be the fact that I flirt with anything that moves, but I'll take it as a compliment." He slid off the table as the teacher started to clap to get the class' attention. "Here." He slid a piece of paper my way. "My number, don't be afraid to text it." I shot him a smile, and then focused my attention on the math problem the teacher was writing on the blackboard. 


Hey! Chapter 1 is up! Finally! 

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