spinoff + q&a

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Thank you to everyone who submitted questions! If you'd like to skip the q&a, news of the spinoff is under the last question :)

q: What is your inspiration for writing?

a: I'd say what inspires me when I write are obviously other brilliant novels that are constructed in such a way that push me to really work on my own writing and give readers the opportunity to experience my writing in the way that I have experienced billions of other authors' works. I'd also say that I'm inspired to write because I have certain ideas that make me think, If I don't write about this and share this with the world, then who else will? My ideas are what really drive me to create and put effort into my writing, I also just really enjoy writing. I love the whole process and getting to see my own potential put on paper.

q: What got you into writing?

a: Reading. Just immersing myself in the style of writing my favorite authors use, and the stories they tell, I thought giving it a try wouldn't hurt, and I've just grown to love it.

q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

a: I would like to pursue the arts, whether it be photography, filmography, screenplay, writing, or acting. I wouldn't like to dedicate my time and effort to something I know I won't be satisfied with in the future. I would like to use my skills and explore opportunities.

q: What got you to download Wattpad?

a: Well, at first I thought that Wattpad was a site where I could download books for free instead of a community site made up of all types of authors. I didn't know that anyone could publish their works for other users to see, but then I began discovering different creators, novels, and short stories. I got pulled into the world of fan-fiction and went from there, developing and shaping my own stories.

q: What's your otp? (One True Pair)

a: Speaking of fan-fiction, I find myself lured by John Green and his characters, recently immersing myself with Looking For Alaska. However, Eleanor and Park have forever held a place in my heart since I found myself ugly crying pretty much the whole time I was reading. Cassandra Clare has also managed to tug at my heartstrings with Emma and Julian's forbidden love. Although, from my own work I'd have to say Aaron and Delilah have so far been my otp out of any relationships I've created thus far.


Hello Delilah if getting a spinoff/sequel (bc i'm too lazy to re-edit the cover) "Customer Service" this story will focus on David and his unique antics so uh,, read it if you want

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Hello Delilah if getting a spinoff/sequel (bc i'm too lazy to re-edit the cover) "Customer Service" this story will focus on David and his unique antics so uh,, read it if you want

hello delilahWhere stories live. Discover now