Once Upon a Rainy Day: chapter 1

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"Wait! Wait!" I yelled trying to catch the train. I knew it wasn't going to hear me, but it was worth a shot. The rain was beating down on me as I used my long, spider like legs to run to the large piece of medal almost ready to take off. The glass doors were about to slam shut just as I squeezed my tall, and quite slim torso into the middle of them. The train car was mostly full except for a single red seat in the very back. "Excuse me, sorry." I said as I wobbled myself across people to my left and right to reach the back of the car. I plopped down next to a husky man, I would say was about in his mid-forties. He had dark scruff lining the sides of his thick, smelly jaw line. The odor coming from this man was like the whiff of stench you get from opening the can from the garbage. His head swiftly turned towards me. Oh, I forgot I was staring at him. I quickly glanced at my feet until he looked away.

Once the smelly man turned back to the window, I pulled off my navy blue beanie and shook off my damp curls. I used my right hand to run my fingers through my wavy locks. I noticed some girls sitting farther up staring and whispering amongst themselves. I winked my right eye, and used my famous smirk on them. The girls went positively mad. I guess that's one perk of being Harry Styles. Days like this is what I live for. Usually, my band and I are locked up on our tour bus suffocating from lack of air. Okay maybe that was an exaggeration. Every once in awhile, when they let us adventure and do what we want, that's what make life worth living. Sometimes I think of my first time stepping onto the big black linoleum stage. What if I stepped back off? What if I messed up my lines and didn't get to the next round? Life would be so much simpler.

I could travel the world. Maybe with a girl. Maybe just with some lads. We could go to every country imaginable and try exotic foods, and sing with the people. I guess we wouldn't have that kind of money... Another perk of being Harry Styles. I was able to pay off my mums debt, and help pay for my sisters college. I do miss my family, though.....Where even are we? I glanced around through all the windows around me. Yesterday we did a show in.........Washington! We're in Washington! My thoughts jumped from place to place as the train sped up taking people home from work to see their own beautiful families. This may sound positively mad to a middle class person living on a small budget, but I am more than jealous of them. I would kill for a life like that. Going home to my wife and kids with a big bowl of spaghetti waiting for us on the table, forgetting to pay the power bill so we all sleep in the living room together with flashlights and popcorn, getting a small raise at work and having a big celebration, seeing my grandmother on Sundays, maybe even changing my first newborn sons diaper. Maybe someday fate will bring me and a special girl together and we could start a life like that together. I looked down to my hands. The expensive rings wrapped around a few of my fingers. Suddenly their worth became nothing to me.

"Achoo!" A small sneeze came from the corner to my left. I glanced over just for a second. Then I glanced again. Trying not to stare, I looked away. But I looked one more time. A girl with her hair tugged up in a bun with little strands falling out was sitting in the corner facing my direction. She was barely wearing any makeup, maybe a brush of mascara. Her lips were pursed and her eyes were glossy. I looked down to her hands. They were holding a book. I couldn't quite make out the title, but I guessed it was a good one. She was wearing a big sweatshirt from some college around here and black leggings. She was thin, but not too thin. She had curves, but wasn't too curvy. She had cute little ears with pink heart earrings on her lobes. She suddenly gasped and placed her hand with lavender nail polish on each finger over her mouth. Maybe I should find out that title.

I leaned my body a little more left to see the cover. More left, more left, a little more left, a little more... She looked up from her book to see me. I slumped back up, keeping eye contact. She smiled, and continued to read. That's it? Really? I'm freaking Harry Styles for crying out loud. No scream? No loss of breath? Wow, that's a first. I was a little disappointed. Seeing her captivate me with her beauty, I'd want a little more of a reaction than just a smile. I looked away from her. Glancing at the man next to me, my head turned back to her. She was way more pleasant to look at than him. She was so charming. Like a beautiful rose in a windstorm. Everyone around her was frantic about something on their minds, but not her. She was busy happily tearing up about probably some characters in her book finding true love.

I wonder what she's thinking. I wonder if she knows that I'm staring at her. I wonder if she knows she's beautiful. I wonder if that sweatshirt is comfortable.

The train came to a holt. The smelly man next to me stood to his feet. Accompanying him, was plenty of other women and men all piling off the train. The train was now mostly barren. Oh my gosh! It's the girl gone? My head turned so fast, it almost fell right off my neck. I let out a deep sigh of relief of the girl still sitting in the same position, wrapped up in whatever she's reading. I had more time to try to analyze her. My eyes ran across her face like her eyes ran across the many pages sewed together in that book. She began to giggle. It was the most magnificent giggle my ears have ever heard. Without thinking, I giggle too. She looked up again. She gave me a questionable look. Almost saying, were you laughing at me? She continued reading. Wow I cannot catch her attention. Maybe I should go over there to talk to her....

"Tickets! Tickets please!" A police man walked across the aisle as people pulled out their tickets showing verification that they were suppose to be on this train.

Which reminds me... I was running so fast to catch the train, I forgot to purchase a ticket. Oh bloody he--"Hello sir. Do you have a ticket?" The police man interrupted my thought.

"Oh... I'm so--" I was interrupted.

"Oh my goodness gracious! You're Harry Styles from One Direction!" He seemed to scream. Everyone around turned their heads in shock.

"It really is him!" "Wow that's amazing!" "Harry! Harry! I love you!" Many people began shouting.

"Yeah, yeah that's me." I blushed.

"Well Mr. Styles, do you have your ticket?" He asked again.

"Here's the thing.. I didn't have time to buy a ticket before the train lef--" I was interrupted once more.

"No ticket?" He questioned.

"No ticket." I solemnly said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles. But at the next stop, I'm going to have to to ask you to get off the train." He replied.

"That's fair." I looked over to the girl. She had out her book in her lap so she could watch my conversation with the cop. Great. Now I have her attention.

"Mr. Styles? This may be an odd time to ask, but could you sign this? My daughters are huge fans." He said shoving a blank piece of notebook paper and a pen in my face.

I laughed. "Sure thing. And please, call me Harry." I scribbled my name onto the paper and handed it back. The police mans face went to uptight and terrifying, to giddy and happy.

"Th-thanks... Harry!" He laughed.

The train stopped again. I stood up and began my journey out the door. "Goodbye everyone!" I jokingly said, waving my hand.

"Byyyyeeee" the people seemed to say in sync.

I took one last glance at the flawless girl sitting in the corner. She stared at me from the back of her chair as I stepped out. I smiled as the doors slammed shut in front of me.

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