18. Ao and the Terribly Random Day

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To make this quick. You are in mind control. The whole ariel thing never happened. The previous 18th chapter never happened. Nothing happened. Nuh uh. Nothing happened.


Proceed with your day. Thank you.

"WELL THE PARTY DON'T START 'TILL I WALK IN." I sang as I walked into the Dojo with a flourish.

All eyes turned on me and Mikey stopped backflipping mid air, actually pausing and levitating for like, 3 seconds before landing on his shell. Groaning.

"Duuuuudeeee." He whined, making the pouting Mikey face.

"Morning!" I chirped, casually patting Raph's head as I passed him to walk towards sensei, bright smile on my face.

"Good morning, good sir! I thank you for the hospitality during my stay." I said, in fake scandinavian accent.

I could practically see the tired looks from sensei's dark eyes.

The poor thing.

"Good morning, Ao! How was your sleep?" April asked, smiling.

"I nearly got dragged by Pennywise into the sewers so I smack him with Stephen." I said.

There was a pause.

"But.. you're.. in the sewers??" Raph said in bewilderment.

Oh right, yeah.

"Thank you Captain Obvious."

He glared,
"You're welcome, Sergeant Sarcasm."

I gasped.

This is not a drill. Raph learned how to comeback. I repeat, Raphael learned hOW TO COMEBACK.

Oh wait I'm supposed to be cool. Yeah yeah. Okay. I'm cool. Like a freezer. Wait that's cold. Whatever.

"Indeed, Comrade Comeback." I said in fake scottish accent, raising my eyeridge for effect.

"Thank you, Senator Smartas-"

"NO CURSING IN A PG BOOK! DAMMIT RAPH!" I shrieked, quickly throwing Stephen at his head before he can finish his words.

Welp. That oughta hurt.

But he asked for it.

....I think so, atleast.

"Is he DED?" I asked as I poked at Raph's cheek with a stick that cane out of nowhere.

Boom. Magic. Whoosh.

Then, suddenly, my stick was yanked away as Raph lunged at me. Sitting above me with a huge grin.


Well. Shite.


Do you know how it feels like to be forced to laugh by being tickled for half an hour straight?

Not cool man. Not cool.

So here I am, mourning the death of a random mosquito as I curled up in my bed. My stomach hurts like heck, which made me wonder how on earth woman survived these every month.

Okay Author, I promise I won't steal your cramps' emergency oreos again.

"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH HOT HEAD." I yelled dramatically from under the blanket I'm curling myself in.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Mikey glaring at Raph.

Aw yeah. You go big bro.

"How could you do that!"

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