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Walking back to the house was the most uncomfortable the two of us have ever felt. Jeff didn't say a word, he only faced down the street. My hand never left his.
"I don't want to go in." He whispered.
"I know. But you have to. We have to."
He sighed in agreement and opened the door.

"Oh thank goodness! I thought you two ran away for good! I was about to call the sherif- you kids had us a fright!" Dorthy said. She was walking back and forth across the living room but stopped and ran to us with open arms.
"I told you they'd be back, honey." Carl said walking towards us.
"Jeff.. gets panic attacks when he's nervous." I said trying to come up with an excuse.
"That's perfectly normal! We want the both of you to feel comfortable! This is your new home after all. If you want some, I'm making dinner." Dorthy said. She reminded me of a 1950's mother. Her hair and outfit even matched the era.
"We'd love some." I answered. Jeff hasn't said anything.
"Great! Randy is in the backyard if you two want to meet him. I'll be mowing in the front. Holler if you need something!" And so Carl left to the front, while Dorthy walked towards the kitchen. I turned back to Jeff but he was already walking away from the kitchen. What was he doing in there? I looked around and noticed something missing.
A kitchen knife from the knife holder.
The biggest one.

I ran out towards the backyard and spotted Jeff marching towards Randy.

The two stood across the field.
No one moved. I hid behind a trash bin and watched.

"So little Jeffery Woods is back?" Said Randy. His voice sounded like he was still going through puberty. He seemed cocky and full of himself.
"I never left." Jeff said. A chill went through my  spine. That voice.. the same voice Jeff had when he first met me. Cold, monotone, emotionless. His eyes looked soulless. That wasn't Jeff speaking. That was Jeff the Killer.
"Looks like you recovered well from your wounds. Last time I checked-"
"You burned me alive." Jeff cut him off. Randy smiled.

Randy spoke again,
"Funny- it looked like you haven't changed though. I thought burning you would at least damage your skin. Last time I checked you were in a hospital, and not even two days later- your whole family- dead. Not to mention Jane's. Same way too. All carved with a smile, while the house burned ablaze. Everyone thought you all died in the fire, and a killer came to torture you all. But I knew that wasn't the case. You killed them, Jeff. You killed your family, you killed Jane's family and friends, you set the house on fire, you carved those smiles- you're Jeff The Killer."
I gasped.
"You're wrong. A man did come to kill us all, but I escaped." Jeff said.
"That may be true, but I'm going with my gut."
"Your gut is lying, you stupid, pig-nosed little brat." I saw Jeff's hand reach inside his jacket- my eyes bulged.
"Okay- let's say you aren't Jeff the Killer. Let's say I'm wrong. I'm still going to make your life a living hell-"
"How the hell are you not in Juvie." Jeff asked.
"Parents are good friends with the Sherif, Jeffery. Lots of community service and lot of fake smiles can really help you out. Remember Jeff, you haven't changed a bit- I can still kick your ass."
"You'd be surprised all the tricks I've learned while I was gone. All the people I know. How different I really am. I'm not just some kid, Randy. I can be your worst nightmare." His words were spoken so cold. He looked like he was reverting back to the killer he once was.

"I nearly killed you once, Jeff. If you try anything, don't think I won't try it again. You're still just a weak, pathetic boy who can't even save Liu from three younger kids."

"Don't you dare say his name."

Jeff reached for the knife-
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I spoke coming out from behind the bin. Jeff turned quickly and sank the knife back into his jacket's pocket before Randy ever saw it. The two looked towards me- Jeff stopped.
"Who the hell are you?" Randy said surprised.
"Shut your fat fucking face. I'm talking, understand?" I walked right up to him, my blood boiling.
"You think you're so tough? Listen to me you spoiled, disgusting rat." I grabbed his collar and pulled him close.
"You have no fucking idea who I am, you have no idea what I'm capable of- so I suggest you back the fuck of him, or I'll make sure I cut off your 2-inch dick before you even know what it's used for." I whispered while leaning in.
"Y-you better not test me!" Randy squeaked.
"No- you better not test me. Because listen to me and listen to me good- you don't know true pain until you've seen me pissed. What you did to Jeff- is nothing compared to what I'll do to you, and your goodie-two shoes family if you even fucking cough in my direction."
"DID I FUCKING ASK YOU TO SPEAK?" I pushed him down on the hard grass- his back landing on the dirt. I kicked his side with all my strength, and grabbed his hair.
"You wanna see scary? Try me." I let go of him, his head hitting the floor again.
I haven't felt that way since I drew that scalpel in class. It's almost as if I felt the old me crawling back..

Randy laid on the ground crying, and spitting blood. I motioned Jeff to come follow me, his mouth hanging open. I looked at Randy, and he flinched.
I smiled.
"And if you tell anyone about this- I'll make sure I kill them too." I winked and walked off.


"T-that was- the hottest thing I've even seen in my life." He said, face red.
"Jesus I'm scary." I laughed. We were in the room the parents had made for me, and Jeff decided to stay for a while before bed.
"You terrified him! More than I ever did my whole life!" He said cheerfully.
"Well- I did it mainly because the shit he said about you was really pissing me off. But also because I knew what you were gonna do.. remember, we came here to start fresh, not to go back to.. the Under Realm." I looked down at his white jacket.
"Ah..so you saw the missing knife." He said looking away.
"You forget my past. I was always observing, always a background character. It was my job to examine things more carefully, things normal people wouldn't notice. But we did good today. He had this coming for two years."
"What scared me, was that.." he paused. I stared confused.
"The feeling came back."
I gulped.
I got up from the bed and walking towards the desk, where Jeff was at. "At least it's gone now." I whispered softly.

"Thanks, (Y/N)... you did what I've been wanting to do for years. I owe you." He said smiling.
"You don't own me anything, babe. Just.. put that knife back. Okay?" I ran my hand through his hair.
His smile grew and his eyes closed. He was like an adorable puppy. He opened his eyes and looked straight into mine.
"I promise."

A knock came from the door. We both stood immediately- call it an instinct.
"Kids?" We both sighed and relaxed.
"It's just Dorthy." I said.
"Come in!" Jeff called out.
The door opened.
"Just wanted to stop by and let you know it's 9:50. Jeff, time to go to your room and go to bed. I'll come kiss you both goodnight at 10. Tomorrow's a big day! I'll see you two in a bit." She blew a kiss.

My heart tingled. I never had this.
"What's wrong?" I guess Jeff noticed my reaction.
"It's just- usually around this time my mom would be entertaining her last customer for the night. I'd be in my room. Alone. There was no good night kisses. It's just.. this is nice." I said. My tears started to sting a little.
It's nice to finally have a mother.
"Yeah.. I miss it." I looked over and saw him staring up at the ceiling.
Margaret.. his mother.
The same one he killed.

"Well.. I'm off." He got up and patted my head.
"I'll see you tomorrow, babe." He looked down and his eyes closed half way. Peering at me- studying me. His soft smile spread from cheek to cheek. I stared up at him, blushing.
"I love you." He said quietly.
"I love you too."
And with that he walked out.

The night had ended, but our future had just begun.

You Found Me {Book 2 of I Found You} Jeff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now