Chapter 9

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"Kath! Kathy!" Mal shouted as I walked through the halls. "Hey Mal, what can I help you with on this glorious day filled with perfect princes and princesses?" I asked sarcastically. "Wow, you're moody." she stated. "During the pizza party yesterday, Chad thought it would be funny to smear pizza sauce into my hair." I grumbled, pointing at my hair. "Ugh, sounds disgusting." Mal replied. "I took four showers and my hair still smells like tomato sauce and anchovies." I yelled, holding a strand of my hair. Mal smelled it and scrunged up her nose. "That's pretty bad." she commented. "Yeah, Carlos and Jay almost beat him up." I told Mal. "Carlos too? I mean, Jay, I can understand, but Carlos?" she wondered.

"Well, at least Chad got what he deserved. I sneaked into his dorm last night and ruined all of his clothes with tomato sauce and anchovies. And I replaced his shampoo with mayonnaise." I smirked. "Oh! You're getting evil too. I like it. Anyhow, Ben just asked me on a date and I need your help! You've known him the longest out of all my friends and I need advice!" Mal desperately said. "We got this. Where's Evie?" I asked. "She's already in our dorm, waiting." she replied. I ran towards the dormitories, Mal following close behind. We heard Chad scream when we passed his locker, making me pick up the speed.


"Mal, you look gorgeous." I breathed out as Evie applied some blush. "Okay! Easy on the blush!" Mal yelled, slightly pushing Evie's hand away. "I don't wanna scare him away. Not that I could..." she added. "Please! My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk." Evie reassured Mal. "Yeah, I can see how that can be true." I told Evie as I leaned on their desk. "Always use upwards strokes." she informed us. "Luckily, I have aunt Susan for all of this. I can't even apply mascara without getting it on my chin." I said with a small laugh.

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips." Mal told us as Evie put on some lipstick. "And I never had a sister." she added. "Well now you do. We're gonna need all of him we can get or we don't pull this off. And my mother is not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way." Evie said. "Snow White?" I asked. She nodded.

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal questioned. Evie glanced at me. "Sometimes." she answered. "Are you afraid of your mom?" I asked Mal. "I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me. In her own way." she replied, looking at Evie and me. "And what about you, Kath? Are you scared of your dad?" Evie asked. "Only when he's really angry at me. He'll throw stuff and yell at me...but he always apologizes. We would go and ride together and forget that we're royals, even if it's for just an hour." I replied, walking over to the two girls.

I grabbed Mal's hand as did Evie and we guided her to the mirror. Mal giggled and held her jacket. "I know." Evie said, holding her shoulders. I smiled and stood in the background, looking at the two girls from the isle. "I look..." Mal began. "Say it." Evie encouraged. "Not hideous." she breathed out. "Not even close." Evie stated. Both girls giggled and Evie walked over to me and smiled as Mal admired herself in the mirror. There was a knock on the door. Mal walked away from the mirror and opened the door.

Evie and I stood in the background, smiling at Ben and Mal. "For the first time I understand the difference between 'pretty' and 'beautiful'." he told Mal, making her laugh. "I hope you like bikes." he added, offering her a helmet. Mal grabbed the headwear and pursed her lips at us as she and Ben walked off.

Evie hopped to the door, closing it slowly. "Now, your tomato sauce-anchovies hair." she stated, walking back to me. "Evie, you don't have to do that now." I told her. "Yes, I do. You smell terrible and seeing that you're a princess, that's unacceptable. "Okay, fine. Can I ask you a favour, though?" I questioned. "Sure, what is it?" she replied. "Can you dip dye it burgundy red? I've always wanted it, but in Narnia, we don't have hair dye and I don't trust my magic with a delicate thing as my hair." I said in a posh tone, making Evie laugh.

"Will it match with your dress, though?" she wondered. "I don't know what I'm going to wear yet, so probably." I answered. "You know what? I'll sew you a dress!" Evie exclaimed. "No! No! That would be too much work for you! I don't want to be a bother." I said. "Don't you worry about it! I'll make you a beautiful dress! Whether you like it or not." she stated stubbornly. "Okay, fine! Thanks, Evie." I told her, hugging the blue-haired girl. "You're quite welcome. Now sit down and let me do your hair." she ordered.

She ushered me towards a chair and I sat down. "Now, I was thinking we cut a bit off at the bottom, layer it and dye it and then curl it." Evie proposed. "That sounds wonderful." I said, looking at her. She smiled back and went towards the drawer, pulling out several hair products. Evie put down some shampoos, conditioners, scissors, combs and some hair dye. "Where did you get all of this stuff?" I asked her. "Mal doesn't need the money she gets from the hair spells, so she gives it to me and I go and buy 'this stuff'." she stated, brushing my hair.

"You talk about Mal like she takes care of you." I said. "She does. She takes care of Jay and Carlos too. On the isle, things are never easy, so Mal looks out for us." Evie replied, putting down the brush. "Wow...and I thought I had a rough time in Cair Paravel..." I breathed out. "Well, I'm used to it. I'm gonna wash your hair, so please follow me to the five star bathroom." she joked as she grabbed some shampoo and conditioner. "Yes ma'am." I told her, getting up and walking towards the bathroom.


"Take a look, princess." Evie said, prying my hands off my face. I stared at my reflection, surprised with my new hair. "Do you like it?" she asked. "Like it? Evie, I love it!" I exclaimed, looking at my dip dyed hair.

 "Like it? Evie, I love it!" I exclaimed, looking at my dip dyed hair

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"I'm sure your dad will love it!" she reassured me. "If he doesn't, aunt Lucy will talk some sense into him." I laughed. "You look absolutely gorgeous, Kath." Evie whispered, hugging me from behind. "All thanks to your beauty magic." I answered. She smiled at me and squeezed my shoulders, before letting go of me. "How am I ever gonna repay you for this?" I questioned. "Just make sure to look beautiful at the coronation, okay?" Evie asked me. I nodded. "Let my aunts take care of that." I reassured her.

"Katherina! Katherina, are you here?" I heard Fairy Godmother yell. I glanced at Evie, who simply shrugged. I opened the door, only to see Godmother knocking on my door frantically. "Yes?" I questioned. "Oh, there you are! Katherina, dear, I need you to help with the organization for family day." she told me. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked her surprised. "Next Sunday is family day and I need your help with the placing of the tables and chairs." Godmother explained. "Um...okay?" I doubted. "Everyone's already busy in the courtyard, just ask Audrey what you need to do." she instructed. I looked at Evie and shrugged. She threw me my backpack with a smile. "See you later, Evie!" I yelled, walking down the hall. "Bye Kathy!" I heard her shout.

"Audrey! Godmother sent me here, so, what do ya need me for?" I asked Aurora's daughter. " guess you can help with moving the chairs and then you can come to the rehearsal." she stated. "Wait, what?" I asked. "Yeah, we're doing a dance number and you're participating." Audrey said, looking rather smug. "I never signed up for that. Besides, I'm not a dancer and I can't sing." I told her, crossing my arms. "Well, too late. You're participating, whether you like or not." she hissed. "I didn't think so, missy. You're just angry that 'Benny-boo' left you and you're taking it out on other people, because you don't know what to do with your feelings. Well, do I have news for you: You are not getting it your way this time." I spat, walking off to help Doug with the chairs.

"Standing up against Audrey, huh? Not your smartest choice." he stated, looking up. "Huh, you dyed your hair." "Do you like it?" I questioned. "Yeah, it looks good. Did Mal do it?" he asked. "Actually, Evie did." As soon as I mentioned Evie, Doug blushed. "You like her, don't you?" I stated, smirking slightly. "What?! N-no! I could never-" he stammered. "Drop the act, Doug. It's as clear as day." I laughed. "Don't tell anyone." he whispered. "I won't. Promise." I reassured him, going back to placing chairs and tables.

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