Eternal Bearer Of Acceptance

7 1 0

The girl's pitch black surroundings soon become sprinkled with brightness, allowing her to see beyond what little she had prior. The scene laid out before her is difficult for her to comprehend.

Not just one,
Or two, or three.
So many strangers,
Offering their help,
Directing such kindness
Toward me.

Don't they know,
Who they're dealing with?
A demon,
A "heroine",
A delusional freak?

Their faces are hazy
And hard to make out,
But their words
Are so warm, so welcoming,
Without a doubt.

The strangers help the girl to stand up. She smiles at them, feeling a happiness she has never previously felt. It is not that of escaping her delusions, it is not that of seeing a bloodied corpse at her feet. It is that of experiencing something she had never believed she wanted,

Hearing the words "You're not a freak"

The knife,
Lies bloodied,
At my side still,
But I think,
This time...

I'll just leave without it.

That's a lie;
She's simply,
Hidden it,
Up her sleeve.



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