Help Unwanted

8 1 0

Blocking the sunlight is only a kind stranger standing in front of the despairing girl, offering an outstretched hand.

This person,
What are they doing?
They should just
Leave me be
If they know
What's good for them.

Take their hand

What was that?
I can't...

I still can't believe I've so drastically changed my role...

But, yes, you can. You can, and this you know.

But they are just
Another smiling face
There to feed
My delusions.
And my delusions,
They really
Shouldn't be fed!
They should be
Left to starve,
Until they are dead!

What a pity it is that isolation feeds them as well.

The girl pushes the smiling stranger aside angrily and runs away, a single tear either escaping the confines of her caged heart or leaving her delusion-ridden mind for another deceptive stroll down her cheek.

I don't need you,
Go be
Delusion's catalyst

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