Prostrated Heroine

7 1 0

She cries, conveying her sadness. Covertly, her lips curve into a smile, conveying something far more ominous.

You rejected my tears,
My eccentricities,
My fears.
I'll remember this.
Your head will split wide open
Sooner than you'll get away
With what you did!

Oh, petty threats!

I'll find out
Where you live,
I'll get you back
For what you did.
If you cry tears of regret,
Then maybe
I'll grant you
A painless death.

What could she be plotting?

You ask too many
Of the wrong questions,
If you'd just stop doing that
Everything would be
So please!

From threats to pleas, oh my...

She leaves her would-have-been "paradise" in search of true peace. The kind of peace that for her, might not even exist.

Oh, so the voice
Is back.
It hasn't been
All that long
Since it left,
Has it?

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