chapter 5

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Leia's school outfit ^^

Leia's pov

*Monday at school*

"So how did your date go." Logan ask as we walked down the hall

"It was ok I guess." I said

"What do you me ok." He asked

"Well let's just say we kissed well he kissed me." I said

"What!!!" Rachel yelled

"Hey so your the girl luke went on that date with right." This random girl said to me

"Yea." I say

"Well yeah Imma need you to back off because me and luke have this thing and you can't be getting in the way of it." She said

"What?!" I say confused as she walked away with her friend

"What was that." I ask

"Omg that was Maggie and katy the girls we told about." Rachel says

"Oh. She's Luke's ex's girlfriend." I say

"Yeah well crazy ex girlfriend as you can see she still claims him even though they broke up a long time ago." Rachel says

" Hey leia." Luke says

"Hi." I say back

"So did you tell your friends about our kiss." He says

"Our kiss you mean your kiss." I say with my arms crossed.

"Whatever let's just say she kissed back." He says as he walks away.

"Ughh totally not true." I say

"Leia do you like him." Logan asked

"No maybe." I say running to class

"Did you hear a maybe." Logan asked Rachel

"Yup sure did." Rachel said.

Rachel's pov

"I really don't wanna see leia get hurt like i did. I told James i liked him and we went out on a date together but the date ended up being a huge prank and i ened up being the joke of the school." I told Logan

"I know I only met her a few days ago but I really care about her." He says back.

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