chapter 4

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Her outfit is in the beginning

*skip to first after school* 6:36pm

Leia's pov

I finished my homework and took a shower for my date with luke. To be honest my parents were really surprised when I said I had a date, they said I moved on quickly.


"Mom does this look ok?" I asked my mother.

"Yea honey you look great. Oh sweetie I can't wait to meet this luke." She says

"Oh mom you can wait hes not that great." I said to myself.

"What was that honey." She asked

"Nothing." I say

"If you need anything just yell I'll be in the living room." She says

"Ok." I said as my mom walked downstairs

*calling Rachel* l=Leia r=Rachel

L=Hey Rachel
L=So I'm really nerous right now
R=relax Leia it's not like you like him or Do you.
L= no I don't and I have no idea why.
R=just relax and be safe you don't know what he is capable of.
L=I know I know

"He's here." My mom yelled

L=sorry rachel I gotta go he's here.
*end of call*

"Coming" I say
"Hey beauitful." Luke said wearing his famous leather jacket

I rolled my eyes

"Hey luke can we get this over with." I say

"Leia don't be do rude." My dad says

"Sorry but can we speed this up a bit." I say

"Ok leia be safe oh and luke take care of our princess." My mom says

"Yes of course mrs.graves." Luke says

*in the car*

"Ok you can cut the act now." I say

"What act." He says

"The all please and thank you act." I say

"Whatever." He says

"So where are you taking me." I say

"To see a beauitful view." He says

"Oh yes of course where you take all the girls right." I say

"No your actually the first one." He says

"Yeah right I'm pretty sure you say that to all the girl to get them to make out with you." I say

"That's so not true." He says

"Whatever."I say

*finally airrved*

"Wow this is really beauitful. " I say in awe

"I know like you." He says

"Oh shut up." I tell him

"C'mon why don't you like me." He asks

"Because your a bad boy and your kind of a player and not to mention you rude" I tell him

"Yes yes and yes but I've changed." He says

"Oh please prove it." I say with my arms crossed.

"Ok fine."He says

He grabs my face and kisses me.

"Wtf." I say pushing him away.

"What you said to prove it." He says

"Yes I did but I meant show me that your nice not have a make out session with me." I say

"Sorry." He says

"You better be." I say

"So anything else you wanna do?" He asks

"Yes take me home." I say

"Fine whatever you want princess." He says.

*in the car*

The song feels comes on by Calvin Harris and katy Perry.

"Hey do you mind if you turn up the volume up a bit." I ask

He puts the volume up.

"Don't be afraid to catch feels." He sang

"Omg you like this song." I yell

"Yes I do why is it so surprising?" He asks

"Because I thought you liked bad boy music." I say

He laughed

"Whatever." He said with a smile

We sang along to all the songs we knew until we got to my house.

"You know what I had a not so bad time with you." I say.

"Me too I'll see you at school." He said.

I walked inside with a smile.

Do I like the bad boy. I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

The bad boy lukeia (lost and found music studios) Luke And LeiaWhere stories live. Discover now