chapter 2

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Leia's pov

*skip to the first day of school*

I woke up and did my usual which was brush my teeth eat breakfast and change into my favourite dress. I said goodbye to my mom and went walking to school. I have to admit I'm so nervous and scared. What if I don't fit in? What if I don't make friends?Ughh clam down leia breath in and out I thought to myself.

I finally arrived at school. I walked in slowly hoping nobody would notice me. But they did. They were all staring at me whispering into each other's ears. As I was walking forward without looking up I bumped into someone and fell along with the person I bumped into.

"Ouch" I say

"Hey watch where your going newbie." He said to me as he was getting up

"Um... sorry." I say nervously looking up at him. He had tattoos and a leather jacket and had a group of guys with him.

"Omg we just saw you bump into bad boy luke." This random girl says running up to along with a guy with Her.

"Excuse me who are you guys and who's 'bad boy luke'?" I ask

"Oh sorry I'm Rachel and this is logan my best friend. Ohh and bad boy luke is the guy you bumped into. He's skips school doesn't follow any rules and has been suspended like 12 before." She says to me

"Yeah you don't wanna mess with him." Logan says

"Wow and why hasn't he been kicked out of the school yet?" I ask

"Because his parents have money and money can get you anything." Logan explains

"Oh ok so can one of you show me where the main office is?" I ask

"Yea Sure just follow us." Rachel says.

*main office*

"I'm leia graves I'm new here and I came to get my schedule." I say to the lady at the front desk.

"Hello and here you go. Oh and good luck leia." The lady says as I walk out.

"Can I see your schedule." Logan asks

"Sure." I say

"You have period 3,4 and6 with me and Rachel. And not to mention luke too" He's says

"That's good at least I'll have friends in those classes." I say

"Um I have language arts for first period can you guys lead me to that classroom." I ask

"Yeah of course sorry what's your name." Rachel says

"Thanks and it's leia." I say

"Wow leia's a really beauiful name." Logan says.

"Thanks." I say

"Ok here it is." Logan says

"Wow ok that was fast thank you so much." I say

"Hey if you want we could pick you up after first period and maybe show you your next class." They say

"Yeah ok." I say walking in to class.

"Well hello there are you new." The teacher asks

"Yea I just moved here from California. My names leia." I say

"Well class let's make leia feel like home." The teacher says

"You can have a seat in the back." She says as I sit down.

*10 minutes later*

The door opens to reveal luke the one I bumped in to.

"Well look who decided to join us." The teacher says

"Yeah thought I could learn something today teach." He says back to her.

"Have a seat." She says

Please don't sit next to me please. I pray

I guess no one heard me because he sat right next to me.

"Hey your the one I bumped into this morning." He says

"Yea." I say

"You know your pretty right." He says as he puts his hand on my thigh.

"Can you not." I say taking his hand off my thigh.

"Is there a problem leia." The teacher asked

"Actually miss there." I say but get cut off

"Is no problem miss continue your lesson." Luke says

"What's the matter can't get in trouble again." I say

"No because I know you liked it." He says

"What!?" I say to him. But the bell had rang so he didn't hear anything.

I walk out of class and see logan and Rachel.

"Hey how was your first class." Rachel asks

"It was good." I say lying.

"That's great." Rachel says

"Ok now shall we get to our next class." Logan asks holding out his hands for both of us.

"We shall." I say laughing

*end of the day// after school*

"Who's ready to go home." Logan says

"Me!!!" Me and Rachel say.

As we were talking we all found out we live in the same neigherhood.

"Ok so you have every single class with luke." Rachel says

"Yup and the worst part is that first period he put his hand on my thigh." I say

"What!!!" Logan says

"I know." I say

"Well did you like it." Rachel says

"Maybe." I say

"Omg what." She says

"I'm just kidding. Me and him never." I say

"Yup you don't wanna get with him." Logan says

"Plus his crazy ex Maggie would claw your eyes out if she saw him with you. Even thought they broke up 6 month she still claims him as her property." Rachel says

"Wow." I say

"Well my house is that blue one so I'll see you two tomorrow when we walk to school tomorrow." I say hugging both of them

I walked inside my house.

"Well well well you seem happy." My mom says

"Yup I made some great new friends." I say

"That's good honey." She says

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