Twilight Syndrome

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"Why do you want me to play this game?" You asked Monokuma.

"Because if you win, I'll give you a hint regarding your lost memories!" Monokuma said.

You didn't know how beating the "Twilight Syndrome" game that was unveiled recently as he insisted. You weren't interested in games as much as someone like Chiaki, but your memories sounded like a good bargain. With that, you started up the game.

You played as a girl simply known as "Girl A." You made your way to Class 1-A like she said she should. There were five other girls there.

Girl A: "Woah, what's Girl G doing here?"

"Did they forget the letter F?" You muttered.

Girl C: "You wouldn't believe it! Girl G said she was interested in the incident too, so I asked her if she could come to our meeting, and she said yes!"

Girl B: "Are you sure that's what happened? Wouldn't be surprised if it's just an excuse to not have Boy H follow her back to her dorm again!"

Girl A: "Either way, we can't change the fact that she's here. Let's just talk about... it."

Girl B: "It was already in the evening newspaper!"

Girl D: "Y-yeah..."

Girl A: "...Huh? What newspaper?"

Girl G: "They put the incident in today's evening newspaper."

Girl C: "This one read it!"

Girl E: "...Just read it."

The image shifted from the six girls, to a picture of a newspaper article.

'July 8th: At around 6:00 a.m., a janitor from XX Academy came to work, and discovered the body of a female high school student in the music room on the 2nd floor. The student had been struck forcefully in the head with a blunt object, and was already dead. It seems the killer broke a window to escape. Based on the details of the crime, authorities say the investigation is ongoing and believe someone had snuck into the school to commit the act.'

Girl A: "..."

Girl B: "I was surprised, I didn't think it would make the newspaper."

Girl E: "It says "someone must have snuck into the school," so they might be thinking a pervert did it."

Girl G: "Gross."

Girl E: "Well, it *is* their only lead. Think about it, her school swimsuit was also taken."

Girl G: "Again, gross."

Girl C: "I agree! What a sick, twisted, bastard! Sneaking into a school, stealing a swimsuit, killing a nearby girl, and sneaking out the window! KYAAAAAAH, we're all in danger too!"

Girl G: "Calm down, we'll be fine."

Girl C: "Are you sure?"

Girl G: "Yeah."


Girl G: "D-don't hug me!"

Girl D: "D-do you think we should tell Girl G our secret?"

Girl B: "No way! If she finds out, Boy H will find out, and he'll tell the whole school!"

Girl G: "The day I willingly talk to Boy H is the day where you compliment Girl D."

Girl B: "Okay, it's alright to tell her."

Girl D: "W-what!?"

Girl A: "Anyways... Girl G, we were the first to find the body, but we didn't tell anyone, and decided to keep it a secret. Please don't tell anyone."

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