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For those of you who don't read descriptions,

This is an AU found online about immorality. You're born with milk white blood, and with every immoral thing you've done, your blood darkens. For example, some things would be murder, theft, and, well, you get it.

The story is to start out normally, as it would, but later on would stray from it's canon path. You may notice things and want to say "hey! That's not something ______ would do!" Well, no, it's not. That's the point of an Alternate Universe.

Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the story. Comment any thoughts or anything youd like to see in the future, I love reading them.

One last warning: there is mature content ahead. Probably trigger warnings too but not likely. If there are, there will be an asterix (*) in the chapter title.

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