Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I noticed three thing immediately. 

1. That while we had fallen sleep, the movie had ended, leaving a blank, blue screen blazing into my eyesight. 

2. It was dark outside already.  

3. Caitlin was nowhere to be found. 

I decided that finding Cailtin was the more important of the two, and hopped off the couch, checking the kitchen and dining room. I walked past the front door without bothering to open it, and went upstairs. She wasn't in my mum or Greg's room, but then I hasn't really expected her too be. I checked briefly in my room, but finally reached the last door in the house. 

She was lying next to the toilet with her cheek pressed up against the bathtub. I leaned down.  

"Love?" I gently reached for her shoulders.  

"I'm fine." She said, brushing me off. She stood and pulled her extra toothbrush out from the cupboard. After she finished washing out any taste of the vomit, she turned. "Really." I just looked back at her, and she rolled her eyes.  

"You've been hiding this from me for weeks. When are you gonna admit it hurts?" I asked blatantly.  

"I'm fine!" she insisted, walking past me, and into my room. She she stuck her head out of my doorway, now wearing one of my t-shirts, and called back, "Really." I still stood where she left me, and I heard her sigh.  

"Come here." She said, then fled down the stairs and out the back door into my mum's blooming garden. I smiled briefly, and followed her.  

Outside was completely dark, and I blinked a couple times to get my eyes used to the blackness surrounding me. Her small hands slid over my eyes, and she whispered, "Guess who?" I couldn't help smiling; she sounded just like she had when we were little.  

"Louis?" I asked. And she giggled, kissing the back of my neck.  


"Is it Harry? Because if it is, this is just awkward..." Her laugh tinkled like bells from over my left shoulder. 

"Wrong again." She said, before she kissed the tip of my jawline. 

"Mmm." I sighed. "Maybe I just should never be right." I could tell she was smiling, even though I couldn't see her.  

"I'm sorry sir, Three strikes and you're out, as they say in the states." She said. She had evidently made her way around me because after a moment, she kissed me right on the lips. I reached out, and pulled her closer to me. Suddenly she was tickling me, and I pulled my torso away from her, keeping my lips on hers and then lunging back towards her. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and lifted her up, then swung her around in a circle. She was laughing, and my eyes couldn't leave her face. We collapsed in a heap on the ground, and she twisted so she was facing me.  

"I love you most." She said, skipping to the last statement so I couldn't argue. Then she sweetly kissed my lips and laid back down with my arm over her shoulder.  

"Obviously. Because you have never tried to lift me up, or else we'd figure out who loves who most." I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me.  

"Congrats. You can lift 7 stones." She said sarcastically. I thought about it.  

"Wait. You're only 100 lbs?" I asked, shocked when she nodded yes. There's no way that's healthy for an 16-year-old girl. She just shrugged. We laid quietly for a minute until she whispered.  

"Food doesn't actually agree with me often right now." I didn't know what to say, so I just snuggled closer and tangled my fingers up with hers.  

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