Chapter 3

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When I came off, she tried to tell us how bad she felt, and how she thought we should win, yada yada. I didn't want to focus on it. I wanted to hear what she had obviously been keeping from me for weeks.  

"Remember that check-up I had a month or so ago?"  

"The one you skipped practice for?" She nodded. It had been eating her that long?  

"You've been keeping this out of me that long? Why? And I just don't know what to do anymore! Why won't you let me help you with whatever i-" She had seemed to be lost in thought, but she suddenly snapped back.  

"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia." She cut in.  

"C-Cancer?" I faltered. I had been hoping it just wasn't a baby... but cancer? 

She nodded, confirming it, and I froze as she pushed up her sleeves to show me the places the needles had gone in, mixed with splotchy purple bruises. My eyes couldn't leave those bruises, and I was suddenly acutely aware of how each of my movements would affect her. I gingerly released my death grip on her arm. She looked close to tears, and snatched her arm away. I knew I had offended her in some way, but I was stuck in a haze, watching our moments flash by.  

The first time I met her, with her hair glinting golden in the sun as she marched up to me and demanded to know my name. The way she had sweet-talked her brother into changing rooms so we could talk to each other. How intelligent she was, making up way for us to talk, even devising some sort of pulley system so we could pass notes. She was humble, and kind and helpful. Especially when it came to what she was good at. And she was good at everything. The first time I kissed her, and she shyly bit her lip. The first time I told her I loved her and she told me back... 

Simon snapped me out of my flood of memories. He was striding purposely towards us.  

"Hello boys." He smiled. "I'll just cut to the chase, yes? I just wanted to tell you that yours has been a pet project of mine, and I'm quite proud of you. And I know you didn't win, but I want to sign you..." He smiled again.  

"Thanks Uncle Si!"The boys chorused, as I mumbled along with them. I smiled vaguely, but looked away quickly. As soon as he turned away I stumbled away from the celebrating boys and followed Caitlin out the door.  

"Caits." I said gently from behind her. "Why didn't you tell me?"  

"I knew this would happen." she whispered, not even turning around to face me.  

"What?" I practically whispered.  

"You wouldn't want me anymore. You would pity me, and not know how to act around me, and it was keep you distracted from your goal."  

I choked a bit at the thought of not wanting her. "You- you think I don't want you anymore?" She nodded, and I leaned in to kiss the back of her neck, wrapping my arms around her.  

"I will always want you. I will always love you." I promised. She looked doubtful, and I knew I had to prove it to her. I crouched down beside her, pushed her right sleeve up, and kissed each little IV spot on her arm, making sure to get every single bruise. She looked fragile, and I pulled her close.  

"Always." I said again. She smiled through her tears and I tucked my chin on top of her head. "I'm so sorry babe." I told her. She shrugged, causing my chin to rise too. 

"We'll get through it." she mumbled through my shirt.  


"Together." She promised. I pulled away only so I could see her beautiful face.  

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