Chapter 1

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He caught my eye from the stage, and seemed to sing right to me, making me blush. Girls around me screamed, and made a big production telling their girlfriends about how he sung right to them. They reached out to snag the kiss and wink he blew to me, but I didn't mind. I didn't physically need to grab the air in front of me to know my best friend was intending them for me, he had told me everyday since we were wee babies that he wanted to get married, and being up on the X-factor stage didn't change that. Of course, now it meant a little something more than when we were three year-olds, but growing up next door to my Niall I had always known he meant it.  

I ran my fingers threw my hair, then grimaced as a clump of hair came out with my fingers. I sighed, and shook it off my hand, trying to ignore the thought that I was going to have to tell Niall soon. But not tonight. Tonight was about him. When he and his new group had finished, striking a pose, everyone screamed loudly, cheering for the boys, and as the judges finished their comments to them, I slipped out of my seat, ignoring the strange looks, and walked out the door. I flashed my backstage pass to the bouncer, and jolted the door open just in time to see Harry give Niall a slap on the back and point to me. Niall grinned, opening his arms, and I broke into a run. He caught me in his strong arms and twirled me around in a circle.  

"Caitlin, you came!" He smiled into my ear. Harry fake- vomited.  

"Niall, she comes to every performance. When are you going to stop being surprised? And also... get a room, you two! " He teased. Niall grabbed my hand.  

"We will!" He told Harry, pulling me into a closet. We giggled, and counted the seconds on each others' fingers. We got to 19 when the door flew open. 

"No sex!" Louis screamed, causing everyone backstage to "Shh" furiously in our direction, and all the performers to raise eyebrows at us. I blushed, but Niall just shook his head at Louis. We were escorted down the hall, until the people on stage couldn't hear us anymore.  

"Caitie!" Liam said, finally noticing me after the dancer, Danielle, he had been flirting with walked away to get her next costume on. I smiled back at the boy who (somehow) managed to keep Niall in line.  

"Hey Liam," I responded. "How's it going with Danielle?" I asked. He blushed, so I let it go, but not without a knowing smile. The boys slid down the wall, waiting for their cue to climb back on the stage, and I sat in Niall's lap, letting him play with my slightly red-blonde hair. We sat, listening to Louis' silly jokes when Niall pulled out a small chunk of my hair.  

"Caits. What's with this?" He asked quietly; concerned, and not at all grossed out, like I had been. 

"Ew!" I decided to play dumb. "I have no idea, but that's disgusting." I made a face. He gave me a look that told me he didn't believe me, but just then a woman with a headset poked her head around the wall, and told the boys it was time for eliminations.  

The boys jumped up, and I walked with them, until they reached the stage and Niall gave me a quick kiss. I waved to them, then listened as someone other than them was voted off. I was relieved. Niall deserved this, he and the boys worked so hard, and I hoped with all my heart hey would win. They boys hugged as they came off the stage, and I gave them all a quick congratulatory hug before they were whisked off to the X-tra factor talk show. I pulled the backstage pass over my head, and wrapped the cord around itself, shooting a quick text to my Da, and waiting outside the studio for him to appear.  

"How's Niall?" Was the first thing he asked. I smiled, and told him he was great. My da loves Niall- ever since we moved in next to his Mom, he used to joke with her that we were going to be perfect for each other, probably because we had walked right up to each other, and demanded to know each others' names. Of course, my older brother, Cullen and Greg became friends, both being interested in the same things, but it was really Niall and I who hit it off. I smiled at the memory of our stubbornness, and Da hurried home, knowing I would want to video-chat him as soon as he got home from the interview.  

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