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It was thursday morning and was also the day of Steve's party, everyone was excited and talking about it. Janelle came over yesterday to pick out both of our outfits for tonight. I'm just thankful my cold went away before the party. I told her about Danny asking me out again, she hit me across the head and said 'Don't you dare say yes to him'.I just laughed at her then told her about the gorgeous guy named Shane I met at the gym. She gushed at how romatic it would be if that Shane was Steve's cousin, we still hadn't seen Steve and his cousin around school.

It was already lunch when we got to my car. Janelle was talking about all the alcohal she was going to get after school for both of us, since the party was 'bring your own alcohal incase you don't like the kind I buy' type of party.

We arrived at Pizza Hut because we were both craving Pizza with cheeze in the crust, don't judge because It's fucking good.

"So I was thinking that maybe instead of going back to school, we could skip and go shopping at the mall for new outfits tonight" I said with an excited tone. Janelle shot up and did a funny looking happy dance.

"Are you serious? You never use to like shopping, what happened to my boring Bailey?" I laughed and pushed her a little.

"The only reason I didn't go shopping alot before was because Jared hated me going to the mall without him incase other guys hit on mem plus he hated carrying all my bags for me." I shrugged my shoulders and said thank you to the waiter when he dropped off our large Pepperonie Pizza and our drinks.

"Are you serious Bales? He always seemed so nice when he was around me and others. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover." I nodded my head and started to think about me and Jared's past together. While I thought about it I realized how shitty he was, always telling me what to do, he never abused me or anything but when we argued he's scare me buy throwing things.

"Actually Janelle, thinking about it Jared was a shitty boyfriend at times. Yeah sometimes he was great but when there was only two of us he'd act like a jerk. " She just looked at me shaking her head.

"Guys, I hate how they make you think there so amazing. Hey! Maybe thats why his last girlfriend broke up with him. Remember she always had bruises and said she fell or got jumped. Maybe it was him, glad you got out of there before that happened to you, cause If I remember correctly they dated for like three months." I nodded and realized everything she said was true.

"Anyways, enough about him. Which mall should we go to, Uptown or downtown?" I asked her while shoving food into my mouth, thank gosh I always work out or else I'd be a fat tub of lard right now.

"Downtown, I noticed theres more hot guys there." I giggled and nodded my head. Typical Janelle, she's such awhore, but she's my whore.

"I agree, I'll go pay for our food and then we can go scouting for hot guys at the mall."

She hopped up and grabbed our stuff. "Kay, meet you in the care girl." Then started walking away.

"Hey I'd like to pay for out one large Pizza and two pepsi's." He looked at me top to bottem. I shivered out of discomfort. Gross.

"Will that be all..." He licked his lips before he finished. " miss?" I noded my head and walked away, Gross fucker.

I heard him groan, probably watching my ass, that made me sick thinking about that so I ran to the car. After I got in the car I turned it on and Janelle put Live my Life by Far East Movement ft.Justin Beiber, then we were on our way to the downtown mall.

On our way there I seem that blonde chick Shane was with at the gym walking hand in hand with another guy, they were walking into a small coffee shop. Wow, another whore. Her and Stephanie would be great friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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