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Im dedicating this Chapter to Pearlie :) She made me the cover for my book 'Summer Loving' and I absolutely love it. Thanks again giiirrlll! 


Chapter 2- Bailey's P.O.V

    Well I knew the news would spread fast that me and Jared broke up but seriously, this is just ridiculous. I wasn't even awake yet and my phone has been ringing off the hook, home line and cell phone, I answered the first few but left the rest. I knew it would all be the same,  'OMG, Bailey I heard about the breakup' 'are you okay?' 'Do you need a shoulder to cry on?' 'Im here if you need me', It was getting annoying. 

I decided it was time to get up for school and I noticed it was only 7:30AM, and we dont start school till 9.  UGH!!sniff sniff. At least my cold should be gone by tomorrow. I might as well take a shower since I have time, I start dragging my sleepy body while stripping my clothes off before I'm even in my own bathroom. when I get in I turn the shower on and hop in, I just stand there and think about yesterday, that was the fastest break up ever even though im the one that ended up kicking him out ten minuts after he got there.

When Im done I get out smelling like strawberrys and vinilla, I love how they smell together. I grab my remote and turn my stereo on to 'Ugly' by Christina Grimmie and start singing along while I get dressed. I grab my purple bra and my black conmfy granny pannies my mom bought me, since I dont have a stupid boyfriend I dont need to impress anyone. Grab my Joggers and a tight neon green shirt and slip them one. Next I simply put mascara and bronzer on then throw my hair up in a messy bun. 

I go to Jans room and notice shes on her back with her mouth wide open. I laugh at her and go sit on her with my legs on both sides of her. I start moving my hips "Oh yes babyy! I like it rough! Harder!" I try not laughing while i do this and I notice Jan start to squirm.

"AHHH! what the fuck!" She pushes me to the floor while Im laughing really hard. "Bales you shit head. You scared me, I thought i was getting raped by a women." shes breathing hard holding her head. 

"well get your ass up, I'm only giving you till 8:30 to get ready." I laugh at her and walk to the door. "But seriosuly, I do like it rough" I wink at her and she throws a pillow at me. I laugh while im walking down stairs.

"Morning Sierra." I say to one of the maids when I pass her.

"Morning miss Smallmood." I roll my eyes at the name she insists on calling me. "So I take it Mr. Jared wont be coming around anymore?" I stop and I look at her sadly.

"No, Sierra. " thats all I say as I walk away.

I hear her whisper 'i bet it was a sluts fault'. She got that right, my slutty cousin. 

I grab my car keys, back pack and phone and walk out to the garage to see my baby, yes its a car, but its a beautiful 2012 dodge challenger my pops got me for an early grad present.

Its 8:30am on the dot and im sitting in my car when Jan gets inside the vehicle.

"How do you do that?" I look at her with accusing eyes.

"what?" She rolls her eyes and buckles up.

"Everytime I give you a certain amount of time you always get there right on the dot"

"its a gift, now shut up and quickly drive to my house." I laugh and listen to her. She lives around the block so it takes five minutes to get there and grab her stuff. So we might as well stop at McDonalds for the drive-thru breakfast  since it takes five minutes to get to school.

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