Chapter 65

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Lilly's POV
1 Week Later

It's been really fun the last past week, we've been back, Lisa is really helping with Bailey especially when he wakes up early then Grayson or I, Lisa even taught him how to walk

"Hey, What are you doing?" Grayson says walking into the garage with me

"I'm looking for the baby gates, Lisa said it was in here" I say

"Why are you looking for baby gates?" He asked biting into an apple

"So Bailey doesn't wander into kitchen or up the stairs" I say

"What do they look like?" He asked

"She said they were white" I say

Grayson started helping me look for the baby gates, when the garage door  closes

Grayson and I looked towards the door, I looked at Grayson

"Did you close the door?" I asked

"No, I left it open" He says walking towards the door

All of a sudden pain from my stomach shoots to my bladder, then I felt my shorts became wet

Grayson turned around and looked at me

"Are you okay?, you look like you have to poop" he says

He then looked down "is that pee?" He asked

"Grayson, I think the twins are coming" I say

"What Twins?" He asked

"Grayson!, Thing 1 and Thing 2!" I say

"Oh My!" He says dropping his apple

"Aww my apple" he pouts

"Grayson, having twins here!" I say

"Right, let's go" he says going to to the door but it doesn't open

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It's locked" he says "Mom!" He started banging on the door

"She's not here" I say

"Where is she?" He asked

"She took Bailey to the park" I say

"Alright um I'll just call her, you steady your breathing" he says pulling out his phone

I took a deep breath in and let it out, and continued to

"She's not answering" he says putting his phone back in his pocket

"Grayson, What are we going to do?!" I panic

"The car!, I'll just drive you to the hospital" he says

He then helps me into the backseat on the car, he goes to open the garage door

"It's not opening" he says

"It's stuck" he says

"Oh My God!" I raised my voice

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I have twins pushing on my bladder, do you think I'm okay?" I asked

"Okay" he started to panic

He then goes to the boxes and grabs some pillows and had me sitting up against the door with the pillows on my back

He lays a towel underneath me

"Lilly?" He called me

"Yeah?" I answered

"You ready to have twins?" He asked

"So Ready" I say breathless

"Alright, push I guess" he says

I do what he says, I'm holding onto the seatbelts

"Whoa not that fast" he says

"I can't control the speed Grayson!" I say

"Their feet is out, so push again" he says

I pushed again and again until I heard screaming

"First one is out" he says picking the baby up

"What is it?" I asked

".... A girl" he says

"I don't wanna ruin a father daughter moment but the other twin is coming" I say

"Right, um hold her " he says giving her to me

And he goes to a box and comes back with scissors and a pink baby blanket

"Where'd you get the blanket from?" I asked

"It was Cameron's" he says

He cuts the cord and quickly wrapped her in a blanket before giving her back to me

"Alright......push" he says

I took a deep breath before pushing

"C'mon you got this" he says

I try again, I then heard screaming

"One more push" he says I do as he say

He quickly cuts and wrapped the baby in a blanket

he sits down in the passenger seat with the baby

I got a glimpse of the blanket "it's a girl?" I asked

"Yeah" Grayson says

"Grayson?" I called him

"Yeah" he says

"Let's make a pack" I say

"Of what?" He asked

"No more kids" I say

"Okay" he laughs

"I'm serious" I say

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam

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