Chapter 10

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Lilly's POV

after Grayson and I disagreement, I went downstairs with Bailey, I went into the living room where Sammy and Johnson was sitting

I gave Bailey to Johnson since he had his arms up, I sat in the middle of Johnson and Sammy

"Whatcha watching?" I asked Sammy as he watched a video

"You putting some chick in a headlock" he says

"What?!" I asked looking over to his phone screen

"Where did this video come from?" I asked

"It was uploaded on Facebook but your trending on twitter, so is Madison and Jack" Sammy says

"Oh god, do jack know?" I asked

"Yeah I do" Jack says walking in with Dillon behind him

"Why did you let it go that there?" He asked

"Me?, she threw food first" I say

"No Bailey did, you have to disciplined him or his going to be think he can do whatever he wants" Jack says

"Jack, he's no even close to being one, plus Madison insult me and him, did you think I was going to sit back down?" I asked him

"I'm just saying that was really bad for us, especially jack and I, trying to take off in our music career" he says

"Actually the fans are praising Lilly for throwing spaghetti at Madison's face" Sammy laughed

"Let me see" I say taking his phone out of his hand

"@GBabyGirll: @LillyG_ put Madison in her place #ShesOnOurSide" I read giving Sammy's phone back

"Sammy your not helping the situation" jack says

"It's not my fault this is fucking funny" Sammy says

"It's Not!" Jack says

"It Kinda is" Dillon says

"My Point" Sammy point to Dillon

"What are we talking about?" Madison says walking from the basement

"How Lilly beat your ass at Red Robins" Dillon says sitting next to Sammy

"She didn't beat my ass!" Madison says hugging Jack

"She did bitch slap you with spaghetti" Sammy says causing me to laugh

"Shut up, Sammy!" Madison says

"Alright, y'all need to apologize to each other" Jack says

"I'm not saying sorry to her" Madison says

"Same here" I say

"Look Lilly she's my girlfriend, you have to respect her, that means no throwing spaghetti at her" he says with Madison smirking

"And Madison, Lilly's my little sister you have to get use to her cause she's never leaving, that means don't insult her or her family" he says

"Now you guys have to say sorry to each other" Back says

"Your right Jack!" Madison says walking in front of me

"Lilly I'm sorry, that you can't really get guy, and the only reason you got Grayson is because you put out for him and now he's stuck with you and your son" she says

Sammy and Johnson's jaw dropped

I stood up in front of Madison "Madison, I'm sorry that you get more hate then Amanda Bynes and Stacy Dash combined, and I wonder what my brother saw in you the first place, he must have been high or drunk but not even a drunkie or a stoner will hook up with you, or maybe he was so food poison that he didn't know what he was doing, and BTW I think you should use dove soap instead you still have that fish problem" I say sitting back down

"Damn!" Dillon and Sammy says

Madison scoffed and ran upstairs

"Lilly!" Jack says

"What?, she started it" I shrugged

Jack rolled his eyes and following madison up the stairs

"Right here!" Sammy laughs giving me a high five


Right now I'm sitting in the game Room with the boys their playing FIFA 16 , Grayson is in floor playing Bailey but we're still not speaking to each other and on top of that, Jack not talking to me too

Madison and Jack are cooking dinner for us, everybody wanted to pizza but Madison insisted we try some carrot soup with rolls, we all said no but Jack said sure but Sammy order some pizza just I case it tasted nasty

"Dinners Ready!" Jack says

The boys paused the game and we all got up and went into the kitchen, they got a bowl and took turns getting some soup and a roll

Grayson grabbed Bailey, I walked I'm front of him, but madison stood on the side on her phone

I walked pasted Madison when I trip on her foot, making me fall

"whoa Lilly you gotta be careful" johnson says helping me up, I look at Madison she has a laughing smirk but I ignored her

"What The Hell Madison!" Grayson says

We all look towards him

"What?" She asked

"You just tripped her!" He says

"Oops" she shrugged her shoulders

"Oops?, that's all you gotta say?" He asked

"When if she fell and hit her head on this marble counter, your going to say oops?" He asked

"Or when if she was holding Bailey, and he's head hit on the counter, then your gonna say oops?" Grayson asked her

She didn't answer him  "huh?" He asked waiting for a response

"Grayson back off!" Jack says

"No, I wanna know her answer" he says we all look back at her

She looked at us, and walked out of the kitchen


After dinner, Dillon went home but Johnson and Sammy stayed over, I gave Bailey a bath and fell asleep during so I put him in his PJs and put him right to bed

Grayson just got done in the shower so he was getting for bed, he was about to put on his shirt when I took it away from him

"Hey" he whines

"Give me my shirt!" Grayson reached for it but I pulled it away, and put it behind my back

"Give me my shirt" he says pulling me closer , I stopped him with a kissed

"What was that for?" He asked when we pulled away

"For sticking up for me" I smile

"Well, your my girl it's my job" he smiled

I pulled him back for another kissed but he soon pulled away

"Can I have my shirt back?" He asked

"No" I say

"Then give me your shirt" he says

"No" I say

"Why?" He asked

"Cause I'm using your shirt, for my PJs" I say Taking off my shirt and putting on his shirt

Grayson turned off the light, and laid in the bed with me, wrapping his arm around me

Sorry it took me so long to update, I had writers block and I didn't know what to write about in this chapter so I just winged it I hope it liked it

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Love, E ♡

Bye Fam ✌

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