Chapter 54

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Lilly's POV

Yesterday Jamie and I talked about everything that happened, from the last time we saw each other all the way until now

We basically fell asleep talking, I hear a slam, making me jump up out of my sleep, I look over at Jamie and she does the same

I look forward to see Tyler and hr looks pissed, he unlocks the cell, I back up as he got closer to me

"I see you guys met" he chuckled

He walked with a little of a limp, he got down on his knees, he came closer to me and hover over me

"Bitch gave me a concussion" he whispered

I kept my face turned avoiding eye contact

"You also gave Natalie a concussion as well, and your going pay for this" he says kissing my neck

"Hey Leave Her Alone!' Jamie says

"What are you going to do about it?" He asked

"Kick me?" He laughed

He then put his focus back on me, he put his hand under my dress when Jamie throws a water bottle at him

He pulls out a gun and points it at Jamie "I will put you out your misery" he says

Jamie stayed quiet, Tyler looks at me

"I should kill you, you killed my brother, or I can take your babies away" he says pointing the gun at my stomach

I started to cry as I felt the gun to my stomach

"Your crying, you wasn't crying when smashed my brother's skull open" he laughed

"please" I begged as a million tears comes down my face

"Shut up" he slaps me

"I think I'll pleasure myself before I take both you and your twins from Grayson permanently" he says

He roughly takes off my underwear, starts to touch me

I kept my eyes close, and tried to hold in my sobbing

all of a sudden there was a thud then, he stopped and fell on top of me. I open my eyes to see

"Madison?" I say surprised

"Alex?" I say starting to cry some more

"Madison help me get him off of her" Alex says

Madison and Alex pushed him off of me, I pulled up my underwear and stood up

I gave Alex a hug "oh my god" I mumbled

"Your safe now!" Alex says pulling away

"Madison, you came for me?" I asked

"Yeah, I've been a bitch to you, and what's the best way of saying sorry by finding and helping you come back home" she says

"Thank you" I say

"Welcome and I'm sorry" she says

I gave her a quick hug

"Can you guys help Jamie up, I would but I'm kinda carrying twins" I say

"Yeah, Grayson told us we're going talk about that later" Alex says helping Jamie up with Madison

"Ow ow ow ouch!" Jamie groaned

We walked out of the cell, I closed the cell behind us

Then the door upstairs closed and locked

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