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They say all dogs go to heaven, but I'm pretty sure Fluffy came straight out of the pits of hell. Nonetheless, he is my best friend and protects the building where I carry out my operations. He's a light brown pitbull that I keep chained to the gate to protect the people of the neighborhood when they walk past. Like me, he's very territorial.

I still remember when I first got him. His mother was barking at me when I went to take care of someone other gang one day. Her mother put up a good fight and bit my arm viciously. I still have the scars. Rihanna even got bitten trying to take her off of me but she ended up biting my angel's face. With no more remorse and blowing my cover revealing that I had a weapon on me, I shot her two milliseconds of coming into contact of Ri.

She hated me ever since then for that.

Blood dripped from a puncture on her face and she tased me before getting in my get away car and leaving me to fend for myself. Just as I got up, still in pain from the shock of the taser I got her, I made a run for it and hid. On the way, I came across what seemed to be a brown blanket, it started to move so I slowed down and walked closer to it. Apparently it was a bundle of puppies, the same colour as the dog I killed. My heart softened thinking of how I rendered them incapable of surviving now and petted them. One in particular immediately started to rub its head on my hand and I smirked.

"Hey, you!"

Fuck, Donny sent someone to check out what the sound was it seemed. No - he sent four men. I quickly yank up the puppy that was in my hand and broke off running. I skidded through an alley way and emerged on an eerily empty street. The fog was thick and heavy around my legs. I could barely see. Suddenly, a car passed me driving slowly. The only way I knew that was from the headlights and sound of the engine. I ducked into the fog to conceal myself until the car got even closer and i realized it was my car.

It was Ri. She pulled up right next to me and I hopped inside just as I heard foot steps coming my way. "What the fuck is that rat in your lap?"

"I think it's one of the dog I shot kids."

"Dog?" She looks in my lap and realizes it was indeed a puppy. She gushed over it, not watching the road, making me take the wheel when she was about to collide in a building. "It's so cute! Did you name it yet?"

"No, what do you think I should name it?" She was now petting the dog with one hand loosely on the wheel and I tried my best to keep us on the road. Her feet were heavy on the gas, but I didn't mind. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. We were still in the Fishes territory.


I take my eyes off the road a moment to look at her like she's crazy and she giggles, cooing at the puppy.

I guess this pitbull that will grow to be a monster will be named Fluffy.

Her red hair matched her nails and dress. She was looking as bad as ever and I suddenly needed her. I got to a straight, but dangerously narrow road and grabbed her by the neck. "I'm in love with your crazy ass," was the last thing I said before crashing her lips onto mine.

The kiss was intense and nasty as always. I took my hand off the wheel to feel her lithe yet thick body. I placed 'Fluffy' in the back seat. She opened her legs widely in the driver's seat, allowing me better access to her sweet opening. Just as I got inside her, she unbuckled my pants and I forgot that the engine was even on in the car. She bent her head and started to suck me off immediately with no inhibitions.

I closed my eyes and pulled my head back as she took me over the edge by deep throating my phallus.

This shit was euphoric.

There will never be a day I get tired of watching her distinct Cupid's bow move up and down my dick.

Soon enough, I began to shoot inside her mouth but she let go of me suddenly making me cum on my pants and shirt. She smiled at me devilishly and we finally realize the car is shaking.


I look out the window to see that we weren't on the road anymore and that the road isn't anywhere to be seen.

To make matters worse? The car stops. "Why'd you take your foot off gas?"

"Um, babe, I didn't..." I lean over and look at the dashboard and find that we were out of gas. "Fuck!" I turn off the engine and get out of the car. I pull her out of the driver's seat roughly and throw her on the ground. I wanted to beat her so badly but there was no way I could bring myself to it. She looks up at me knowing this and laughs, causing me to laugh in turn. "You're so fucking crazy- you know that? How are we going to get home, huh?"

Nonchalantly, she shrugs her shoulders and twirls her hand as if I was absurd to think she would know how to get us out of this predicament. I sat next to her as the sun was setting on the ground and we just went into a fit of laughter. No matter how bad things may seem, as long as I'm going it with her, I can cope.

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