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I'm a savage. I'm an asshole. I'm a king.

At least, that's what I've heard. There's only one person on this planet who knows that those words weren't well suited for me. They suited my actions and how I move in public, but not my underlying, everyday personality.

I stretch, feeling very tired. These days, it seems that no matter how tired I get, I never yawn or feel sleepy. It's just a dull ache in my body that I overcame with my mind. Sleep is no longer a requirement but a luxury. That's why I'm here on a Wednesday morning at 2 am.

Robyn is by my side so that must mean I'm the Dark Knight. She is my muse that entertains me when I get bored. She is my partner in business and the only person I truly care for on this planet. A sea green BMW i8 pulls up next to her while she's wearing her revealing white dress and white fur coat. "Babe, I want that one." She points at it with her right hand and uses her left hand to cover her mouth in her fit of giggles.

I swear she doesn't do drugs, drink, or even smoke to get high. Yet, she acts like it. Sometimes I wonder if she has all her screws tightened properly in her head.

I roll my eyes at her and reminded her, "Rihanna, you already have three cars that I bought you. I can buy you a better one, in fact, and paint it red."

The driver pulls up to her and asks, "how much?"

What? I was ready to knock this guy's teeth from his mouth for disrespecting my Queen like this. She may be dressed revealingly, wearing heels on cobblestones, and we may just happen to be on a boulevard that is known to be a prostitute's hotspot, but don't disrespect me like that. I stayed back as I watched her sashay to the passenger side and lean over seductively to window. "For you, handsome, it would be free," she winked at him and I almost lost it again. I looked at her and clenched my jaw, turning my head to try to ignore her games.

"So, what do you want? I just want my dick sucked and to slam you like a car door. You want crack? I'll give you this for a few rounds." He holds up a small piece of plastic that contained crack. It was smaller than my pinky nail and would cost $20. Did she look like she's worth $20?

Robyn laughs and spits her gum out at him viciously. "You punk ass bitch can't ever afford me." I look away from her like I can't believe this is happening then back at her ready to go.

Now, I hear the car door opening. It seems he wants to get down so I start chucking off my leather jacket. Just as I do, he storms towards her already flexing his muscles so I run up to him and punch him. Robyn laughs at this.

I got a few good blows in before he finally gets me. His punches felt like cannon palls on my head but I finally duck to doge him. He was about two feet taller than me and much more toned but he was still a punk so I know I could knock his ass out without a weapon. I would save my bullets and save the drama from drawing attention if I do start shooting.

Robyn laughs and cheers me on when I get back up and punch him again. Goliath finally begins to fall. He hits the ground in pain and I stomp him one more good time to make sure he stays down. I was about to do it again until my girl comes up to me, blocking me.

She giggles and I got infuriated. "You just love to fuck with me don't you?"

"You got so jealous when I was talking to him!" She screams laughing now and makes me even more angry.

"I wasn't jealous. I got mad that he would say fucking you would only be worth some dime worth of some wack drug." She is now smiling at me lovingly. I couldn't help but to smile back, remembering how she is all mine and mine alone. Truth be told, I was a bit insecure in our relationship. She would never trust me when I'm out alone just how I don't trust her at anytime even when I'm here. She was the only thing on this planet that scared the shit out of me.

I am now laughing at how much power this girl had over me. I walk over to the passenger door and open it for her. "M'lady," I say politely.

She steps into the car, accepting my hand for help. "Why thank you, sir."

Hearing the engine turn over was almost orgasmic. I immediately sped off testing its power and she begins laughing out of fun. I laughed too. "Yo, you have a good ass taste in cars at least."

She giggles, "See, if you trusted me you wouldn't have been mad in the first place."

"If you trusted me you would trust that I would've just gotten you one tomorrow if that was what you wished."

She cackled like a hyena when I press the gas even more down the highway. I take the next exit and hit the town. There was this large parking lot by a 'bando that connected to an intersection. I decided to drift on it with her since I knew that's what she loved. And because of this redamancy, I craved the way the car spun us out of control.

Like our minds.

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