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Rukia read the message that was sent to her phone from Soul Society.

Kuchiki Rukia to return to Soul Society.

Rukia continued to stared at her phone with a blank expression. So I'm leaving, she thought. She didn't know how she felt.

"Oi, what's with your face." Ichigo was sitting on his bed, reading a manga while Rukia was sitting on a chair next to his desk.

"My face is normal," she sighed. Lately, Rukia has noticed the extra attention Ichigo has been paying her. Ever since they agreed to stop ignoring each other, Rukia still had this wall that she had around Ichigo and he felt it. 

"What's wrong with Rukia lately," Ichigo thought out loud. He was sitting with his group of friends around him. He had a feeling something was off about her and was very surprised to find himself thinking about her so often lately.

"Ichigo, you should worry about your own girlfriend, she's been very sullen lately," Ishida said.

Ichigo blinked in surprise. His girlfriend. What was he doing? How could his thoughts be so full of Rukia when he was dating Senna. The hell was going on.

He suddenly felt shaken up and a bit weird. He still couldn't accept the fact that maybe he had feelings for the black haired midget.

Just then, Rukia walked into the classroom and took her seat like usual. She didn't even glance at Ichigo. When he noticed that, he couldn't ignored the slight sting in his heart when she did that.

After school, Ichigo decided to talk to Rukia when he got home. Currently, he was walking Senna home.

Lately, there hasn't been a lot of hollows popping up which was a bit strange. That was also the very reason why Rukia was asked to return.

"Hey Rukia!" Ichigo screamed the second he got to his room.

"What do you want!" Rukia groaned in frustration as Ichigo's loud voice echoed through her ear drums.

"What's with you lately? You're so weird."

"I think I'm fine dumbass."


Rukia rolled her eyes and decided to tell him about her called to return.

"I'm going back to Soul Society the day after tomorrow." Rukia said bluntly.

Ichigo was taken by surprise about what she said. Leaving. He thought. Suddenly, he couldn't imagine not seeing Rukia every day and his heart hurt.

"Oh," he began. "Good, this freeloader finally will be gone." He joked, trying to hide his disappointment.

"What did you say!" Rukia said, throwing a book at him.

They laughed. But not for long when an awkward silent fell between them. They said nothing as they made eye contact for a few seconds before pulling away.

The next day, Ichigo was in a gift shop with Senna. Soon, Ruki will leave. He couldn't help but think about her as a sullen expression overcame him.

"Ichigo? Are you ok..?"


Ichigo eyed wander when he saw a rabbit key chain. Instinctively, he picked it up.

"Ohh, it's cute." Senna said.

As Ichigo stared at the rabbit, he was reminded of Chappy. The all famous Chappy that Rukia had her eyes on. He grinned. He mentally cursed himself when he realized that he was thinking about her again.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I constantly thinking about her like a love sick idio-

That was it. A love sick idiot. He stopped his train of thoughts when he realized these emotions. This hidden emotions that seemed to emerged only when Rukia was mention.

"I'm sorry." Ichigo quickly ran to find Rukia after muttering those words to Senna.

Again, Rukia was sitting on a park bench. She too was very conflicted on her own emotions. When Ichigo ignored her and picked Senna over her, she couldn't deny the fact that she was hurt. In the beginning she thought that the reason was because they were friends but now she was second guessing herself. She couldn't bring herself to admit it though because deep down, she didn't want to fall in love with her best friend.

"Hey there," deep in her thoughts, a creep walked up to Rukia. Just like before, he tried to talk to her. Rukia sighed in annoyance.

"You're really really cute! Do you want to spend some time--"

Before the creep could finish his sentence, a flying kick was aimed at his face from the substitute soul reaper. When the man was dead on the ground, Ichigo turned to Rukia.

"What the hell was that!" He screamed." I told you! KNOCK THEM OUT AND MAKE SURE THEY SLEEP!!!"

Rukia stared at Ichigo in shock. How many times have he saved her already? She laughed.

"What's so funny midget."

That comment made her stop laughing and punch him.

"What are you doing here?" Rukia asked. That made Ichigo quiet and a bit bashful.

"Here," Ichigo handed Rukia a Chappy looking keychain. "I got it because it looked like Chappy, the stupid rabbit. You're leaving right?"

"Did you rush here to give me this?"

"Don't look at me like that! I wanted to give it to you before you disappear on me!" Ichigo's face was getting slightly red.

"I'm leaving tomorrow idiot. I'm sure I told you that."

Ichigo's jaw dropped as he realized how stupid he looked right now.

"Also, this rabbit looks nothing like Chappy. This is like a rip off version, Chappy is so much cuter," Rukia said in a playful tone of voice.

"Give it back ! Ungrateful midget!"

Rukia just smiled and said nope.

"Thanks carrot top."

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