Day 2

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Although they could have talked at home, Rukia wasn't feeling up to it. If Ichigo wanted her to keep her distance, she's going to keep her distance--fully. It became a routine to immediately returned to her small closet every time she came home.

"Oh Rukia, Welcome bac-" Before Ichigo could finish his sentence, the sound of his closet door shut. Rukia didn't know why she was acting this way. Truth be told, she was annoyed. The way Ichigo is treating her was unacceptable. In her eyes, he was being a horrible friend. It was true that she was ok with it at first, but as time went by, she started to hate him.

Normally, Rukia would call Ichigo to help her fight the hollows but ever since their friendship split, she fought the hollows by herself. As her phone beep, she left to take care of the hollow.

"Where are you going," Ichigo asked as Rukia walked out of his closet. "Is it a hollow? I can come too," he said.

"No, it's ok. I got this." As Rukia left, Ichigo was feeling conflicted. Why was she acting this way? Was she mad? But she was ok when we decided to stop hanging out as much.

As the clock ticked by, Ichigo wondered where Rukia was at. It was already two in the morning. As he lay there and ponder, he couldn't sit still anymore. Did she get hurt? With that thought,  a rush of panic few over his body. He quickly got up and left to search for her.

~~~On the other hand~~~

Rukia was sitting on a park bench. She was thinking about life and wondering why she was acting like this. "Maybe I should just stop being petty, he just wants to make his girlfriend happy. There's nothing wrong with that." But was she not important to him? At all? She didn't ask him to love her anything, all she wanted was him to treat her like how a friend would. A friend wouldn't just push her away. These thoughts lingered in her mind as she sighed.

"Hey little miss." Deep in her thoughts, she didn't even notice a strange man walking towards her.

"Are you lost? Do you want to hang out with me." Rukia continued to sigh and wondered why her luck was just horrible.

"Sorry, can you leave me alone," She said with her fake smile.

"Wow, you're quite cute you know that." The strange man grabbed Rukia's wrist and did not intend to let go.

"Please let go of me," she said firmly.

"Come on just play with me-" As the man finished his sentence, Ichigo came and sent a flying punch towards his direction. When the man was unconscious Ichigo looked at Rukia who was still sitting on the bench.

"'Please let go of me' " he said in a mocking voice. "The hell was that??? When a strange man comes at you like that you punch him in the gut and make sure he sleeps!"

Rukia then got pissed because this idiot was yelling at her.

"What did you say?!" She said as she whacked him on the head.

"See! This is what you should have done!! Do you even know what time it is??" Rukia sighed and sat back on the bench.

"What, are you not feeling well."

"I'm fine, you can go." To this, a stress/anger mark appeared on Ichigo's head.

"Yeah right!" Ichigo lifted Rukia's up and slung her over his shoulders.

"What are you doing!!"

"It's about to be 3 am, what person would leave you here idiot." Rukia couldn't help but smile. At least she knows that he cares about her to some degree.

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