The Zoo

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"Goodnight moon," Said Belle, in a tired voice. She was exhausted from a hard day's work. Sleep was really the only thing she looked forward to everyday. Well, except for the donut that Paul from Kentucky brought her every single day, always on time. Chocolate cake donut with a mountain of sprinkles, her favorite.

She closed the book she was reading and thought for a moment.

She thought, and thought, and thought. She thought so hard that she fell asleep. Her lamp was automatic, it switched off and on with a timer.  As her clock struck midnight, the light went out, and she ventured into the land of dreams.

After what felt like a good night's sleep, Belle opened her eyes. But this morning, something felt off,  she couldn't place it but something was wrong. Deciding it was probably just some weird dèjá vu, she got up and walked to her bedroom door. Too tired to put on slippers, she was still in her pajamas when she reached for the doorknob.

Afraid, she took back her hand. With a second thought and a quick and harsh judgement about herself with something about being a scaredy cat, she reached again for the doorknob, determined to open it. She thrust open the door with a way that said, "I'm not afraid! Come out and eat me demons, I am not afraid." Fortunately, nothing happened. The door flung back and hit the stopper, it bounced off and slowly came to closing. "Really?" Belle asked the thin air, "Is that it? I get a strange feeling and nothing happens? Are you positive that you didn't want anything to happen to me, cosmos?"

Huh. She thought. Well, isn't that strange.  Well, if the cosmos isn't going to kill me today, then I guess I'd better get going." She stepped through the threshold, and stood in short hallway that lead to the kitchen, dining room and living room, put her hands on her hips and exclaimed, "I sure did beat you this time—" And then Belle was sucked into space.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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