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    It all started on the day the tacos started to take...over...the...world. The tacos were going to be the only food in the world. Even the humans would be overrun. Everything will be overtaken, the oceans, the forest, the deserts even the mountains. The tacos started their revolution on a Tuesday. Nobody would ever expect that they, the one food everyone eats and enjoys, a little too much, would turn on them and their tiny little Earth.

---Two Hours before the Revolution----
    After everyone had already left the building, the Soldier and the Lieutenant were talking to each other as they were walking outside to their Taco-Mo-Bile. Soldier Meat was talking to Lieutenant Hardshell, he was telling him about the pact that they had signed together, to bind all tacos against the humans, their overlords, for now. He said, very secretly, "Lieutenant, we have rallied all our troops together. Every single taco, all tacos." "Good," The Lieutenant said coldly, but with enough authority to right even the most pesky villain, "Very good, now go, Soldier Meat, and speak to them, inform them of the actions of war. Ready them for battle." "Yes sir." The Soldier responded with a solute of his shredded cheese hand, and walked off down the hallway.
         We must fight, we must take over those pesky humans! They do not deserve to be rulers, the do not deserve to be royal. We have fed and nourished them since our beginning, and it is time to take back our rightful place! So come, brothers and sisters, ladies and gentleman, and let us arm ourselves with our greatest weapons of war, and leave, to battle! The Liuetenant was playing his speech in his mind. The soldiers were ready for battle, all that he needed to do was push them over the edge. He walked into the enormous room that housed all of the soldiers, and they immediately stopped whatever they were doing, and turned in unison, then each gave a solute.
    "Soldiers,  We are ready for battle! Gather you weapons, Cheese Cannons, Ma-bean Guns, Tancos, anything you can find," For this last part he raises his Cheese Cannon high into the air, and shouts, "We will finally have our revenge, soldiers, are you with me?!" "Yes sir." "Louder!" "Yes sir!" "LOUDER!" "YES SIR!" "Then lets march north, Onwards!"

    All of the tacos continued to launch the revolution and after three years of attempted domination, the finally did it. They conquered the world, everywhere. Except the oceans, they'd get soggy. And who likes a soggy taco?

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