Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV:

"Just leave the guild already, weakling!" Natsu shouted at me as he threw a fireball at me. I dodged it, but he threw another one I didn't see, causing me to fly back into a wall.

I shut my eyes in pain, but held in my cries. When I crumbled to the floor, I was just layed there.

"Get up!" Everyone was watching this go down and just laughed at me.

I slowly and shakily got up. I looked up at the pink haird dragon slayer, barely standing.

"Pathetic." Next thing I know is that everyone is throwing attacks at me. This time I couldn't hold in my cries and just let them out as I fell to the floor.

I was lucky enough that a pair of hands caught me before I felt the collision of the hard surface.

"Lucy!" It was Loke! "Princess are you alright?" Virgo.

"See there she goes again! Hiding behind her spirits!" Cana shouted out.

"What is the matter with you?!" Loke shouted picking me up. I was a limp noodle in his arms. He turned to Virgo and handed me to her.

"Take her home and get her treated. I'll deal with these guys."

"So you challenge us?" I heard Erza ask.

"Go ahead and try!" Gray shouted.  I reached out and gripped Loke's sleeve. He looked at me.

"Don't... don't hurt them." I whispered out.

"But why? They are literally trying to kill you!"

"It doesn't matter." I felt Virgo hold me tighter.

"Yes it does-" "Big brother." Virgo interrupted.

His eyes flickered to her before he stared back at me. Eventually he gave up. "Fine."

In a flash, we were out of that place.

The next day, I was walking to the guild house and just took in the breeze. I couldn't feel much wind because I still had on bandages, but that was okay.

I entered the guild and didn't see anybody.

"Where is everybody? Are they hurt?" I asked myself. Suddenly, Lissana came limping out from the back.

"Lissana!" I shouted out running over towards her. I caught her before she fell and held her. "Are you alright?!"

"No. I-I'm not." She responded weakly. "We were attacked."

"What?! Where are the others?" I asked getting more worried.

"I don't know. It all happened so fast." I placed her gently on the floor.

"I'll go find and help them." I said pulling out Scorpio's key and turning to run out until my wrist was grabbed.

"So gullible." I looked back quickly only to see a fist coming at my face. It was a powerful punch that snapped my head to the side and I fell over.

Putting my hand over my cheek, I looked at Lissana who was smirking at me.

"Oh, you got her." Natsu's voice rang out. I looked up and saw Natsu, who was standing at the railing at the top of the stairs.

The other guild members slowly came in from other areas with smirks on their faces, and my eyes grew wide as they got closer.
New story. Hope you all enjoy it as you've possibly enjoyed my other stories.



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