Chapter two IG-88

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After the successful attack on the hidden huk weapons depot, Rath Queilan and their forces stopped to resupply on ammo medical supplies food and water. Rath reloaded his Cycler rifle putting in a fresh clip, a few kaleesh including Vexx were killed, he sent a silent prayer to them and the other warriors who ascended to godhood, as he cleaned his blades of their blood coating he thought on his life before this war, it was funny to him, ten years ago Rath was a simple hunter, now he and Queilan were war heroes and demigods, Rath wouldn't say he never asked to lead his people, but recently it's been the only thing he's done right...ever since Vaira; Queilan's lover was killed by the Yamm'ri or as they were better known as the huk, he heard his door open and he knew who it was, "What is it Queilan? I'm preparing for the final push." Rath asked, he knew why his brother was here and mentally sighed before preparing himself, (This won't end well...) he thought, Queilan was not however to Rath's pleasant surprise, here to argue, his mask was off showing his face, and Rath could see the huge smile on his brother's face, "I'm not allowed to visit my brother on his birthday?" Queilan said, Rath's eyes widened, he completely forgot today was his birthday, he took off his mask a small smile on his face, looking up Rath made a decision, "Tell the others we move tomorrow at 0900, I'd like to enjoy my birthday this time." the elder brother said, the two shared a laugh at that knowing that it had been awhile since either had a decent birthday, "Alright let's go I'm sure everyone is eager to wish their savior a happy birthday." Queilan said with a smile on his face, Rath chuckled at his brother telling him he saved the day, "You did most of the fighting, I just took out a few bugs and hyjacked an AAT- rayshielded AAT I should say." Rath said, after their pleasant talk for once the two exited Rath's temporary room and went to celebrate this occasion with his people,

Timeskip, sorry I don't have the patience to write a birthday party,

Rath was the first one to wake up, he remembered the party last night and smiled, he turned 21 yesterday, he looked at the time, (It's 6:59, I better get to my post and make sure no bugs get in here.) the marksman thought, this was Rath's routine, 'first to wake up and last to fall asleep' Queilan had decribed, it had saved a lot of lives in the past, as Rath stood in a sniper tower that hadn't been destroyed during the raid, he heard something, wasn't a huk they weren't quiet, but they also didn't sound like..., Rath quickly put two and two together then sounded the alarm, "Assassin droids!" he whispered, smashing his fist on the alarm button, it rang out as every kaleesh jolted awake, they were under attack as they came face-to-face with IG-87 assassin droids, the huk must have hired the hutts, as the droids bore the clan's insignia, one that specifically belonged to Jabba the Hutt, [Shield gauntlets now!] Rath yelled on comms, the others did as instructed bringing their arms up when a rayshield appeared blocking the incoming blaster fire, these rayshields were being generated by the devices on the arms of the front line of kaleesh freedom fighters, Rath fired at one of the droids taking its head off, the rest of his friends unleashed hell upon their droid invaders, as the number of droids fell, one of them spotted Rath, throwing a detonator before its head was shot off by its target, Rath heard the detonator's countdown noise and saw it land near him, (Oh they did NOT just throw that up here?!) he shouted in his head, acting fast Rath jumped out of the tower he was in and landed on the ground as the nest exploded, (That was close...) he thought shaking off his landing Rath holstered his rifle and unsheathed his vibroswords, before charging the IG droid army's flank and got to work disassembling them cutting many in half or decapitating them, it wasn't long before the droids noticed that they were outflanked, the leader of them, the droid bounty hunter IG-88 stepped towards Rath as the two circled each other, "So you're the infamous IG-88, huh thought you were taller...oh well." Rath said, he turned to one of the kaleesh, "Lend the droid your sword, I see no reason to duel an opponent who has none of their own." the warrior did as instrusted and tossed IG-88 his vibroblade, as the droid caught it he spoke, [Your chances of survival are 0.01% you will die in this conflict.] IG-88 said matter-of-factly, Rath just rolled his eyes, "I have a nasty habit of defying calculations clanker, as you'll soon discover!" Rath yelled as he and his droid opponent charged one another.

CLIFFHANGER!? Yeah gotta have some suspense right? Anyway remember to rate and comment, as well as advice to help me get better, the battle between Rath and IG-88 is coming up next, I'll see you then!

(Ps: Grievous's kaleesh name is pronounced like 'Cailan'.)

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