If its meant to be, they'll come back part 4 (Chris imagine)

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Cameron's POV
Finally. Today's the day that y/n comes home from Europe. We met while I was on tour. Ever since then I started to fall in love with her. She told me about her ex boyfriend and from what I've heard she loved him very much. There are days when she's sad and the reason is because of him. I really want to help her because I don't like seeing her sad. She deserves the best and I know who can give her the best. Chris. I'm heading right now to pick her up from the airport and we're going back to my apartment. I parked and immediately spotted her. I come from behind and wrap my arms around her waist. "Hey babe I missed you so much, I'm glad you're finally back!" "I missed you too love" she said giving me a kiss. Of course I kissed back. I grabbed her bags and put them in the car. We got in and drove to my apartment. We finally arrived and I got her bags out of my car. I took her bags inside and set them down. She set her backpack and walked into the kitchen looking for something to drink and something to eat. Before I let her take a bite I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her upstairs to my room. "Cam let me go I'm hungry and I just want to eat." she said whining. "No I haven't seen my beautiful girlfriend in FOREVER!" She laughs as I place her on the bed. I sit on top of her and start to lean in for a kiss. I put my hands on her waist and as I was leaning in I smirked. I started to tickle her. "NO CAMERON! AHH PLEASE STOP!! NO THAT TICKLES PLEASE STOP!" She says while laughing uncontrollably. Her laugh was beautiful to hear. I stopped and crashed my lips to hers. Our lips moved in sync as it got more heated. She ran her hands through my hair which turned me on. I moved my hands to her side slowly lifting up her shirt to caress her beautiful skin. I break the kiss and head for her sweet spot. She moans as I started kissing it. I looked up and saw her face filled with different emotions. She must have thought about Chris. She quickly sat up pulling her shirt back down and ran her hands through her face. I got up showing a confused expression. I knew what was bothering her but I didn't want to bring it up. "You okay babe? Sorry everything went fast..I just haven't seen you in forever." "Ya I'm fine baby I'm just really hungry and thirsty. Can we go to starbucks?" She said with a smile. "Of course, anything for you" I said while smiling. It took us about 20 minuets because I dint like my outfit so I went to get a new one which took longer than intended but we finally left. We finally arrived and went in line to order her drink also seeing her grab one of those lunch packs and a granola bar. I realized she was so hungry because I didn't let her eat. I just missed her so much. After we ordered we found a table and sat down. I needed to pee. Really badly. "I'm going to use the restroom. Don't miss me too much" I said with a wink. She laughed. After a few minuets I came out and heard her talking to someone. "Y/N? Is that really you?" It was Chris. She was talking to Chris. I stayed near the bathroom not wanting to interrupt. "Chris?" You hear her say in shock. I took a quick peak and saw him hold hands with another girl. I wasn't able to get a good look at her but from what I saw man she was beautiful. I then glanced at y/n and saw her face sadden. It was the hand holding. She forced a smile. "I can't believe you're here. Are you going back to Europe or are you staying?" I hear him say. "I'm staying. Forever. My mom found a permanent job back here so we're staying for good." She said smiling. "Who's your friend Chris?" You hear her say. "This is Amanda Steele. My girlfriend." "Oh. nice to meet you Amanda. I'm y/n." "Hey y/n nice too meet you!" I smiled seeing that they had a nice talk. I realized that I was in the 'restroom' longer than intended so I stepped out. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Oh Chris this is Cameron Dallas. My boyfriend." I smiled when she mentioned me. "Hey Cameron it's nice to meet you." "You too Chris. It was nice to meet you." I said with a smile. Oh man the girl was so pretty. We then decided to leave. I saw her go up to him. "Bye Chris, I'll see you." She gave him a hug. He hugged her back tightly never wanting to leave. "I'll see you soon." He whispered in her ear. I could see how much he missed her. I've decided that I'm going to break up for her. I really want her to get back with Chris. We left hand in hand and shared a kiss. I noticed Chris staring at us. This plan was gonna work. We finally arrived home. "Baby girl we need to talk. Sit down please." She looked confused but took a seat. "Y/N I can see how much you and chris miss each other so I'm breaking up with you. You guys deserve to be with each other and I want to give that to you. I'll still love you. Even if you're not mine." Her face was in shock but soon turned into a smile. She jumped on me and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly. I felt tears soak in my shirt. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes "Cameron thank you so much. Nothing in the world can explain how thankful I am to have you. You are an amazing boyfriend. Even though we aren't together I will still be here for you and I'll always love you." "Of course. I want you to be with your true love. And I kinda found someone else." I said rubbing the back of my neck. She got off of me and smirked. "Is it who I think it is? Is it Amanda? HMMMM Cameron." She said still smirking. "Yes but don't tell anyone." "I won't I promise. I ship you guys though. Cameranda." I just laughed. Suddenly the door bell rang. Confused I walked to the door and opened it. I was shocked to see who it was but at the same time excited.

Your POV
Cameron Dallas just broke up with me. I was shocked at first but then when he explained to me why I was so grateful. Any girl would be lucky to have him. The door bell rang and Cameron got up to get it looking as confused as I am. I couldn't believe who it was. "Chris? What are you doing here?" I heard Cameron say. "Hey Cameron is y/n here? I'm uhh looking for her." "Yes she's here come on in" I heard Cameron say. He then went to Chris' ear and whispered something but I couldn't quite hear what it was. All I know was that Chris' smile was as big as ever. Being able to see his beautiful smile made me smile. "I'll give you two some time alone" Cameron said winking at us. Before he left I gave him one last hug. Chris came over and sat down. We sat there in awkward silence until he pulled me into his arms hugging the life out of me. I hugged him back with just as much force. I kissed the top of his head. "I missed you so much love." I heard him say. "I missed you even more my love." "Why didn't you tell me you were moving? I would've waited for you. I'll wait forever for you. You mean the world to me." I was shocked. How did he find out? "Your mom told me y/n. She also told me you still loved me and that you were hurt when we broke up." I took my arms off him and just stared at his face remembering ever detail he had. "The reason why I didn't tell you is because I didn't want you to wait for me. You deserve the best and I wanted you to find the best. I didn't want to hold you back. I didn't want to put you through pain." "You did put me through pain. I was so heartbroken.. I would always think to myself what I did wrong and what I could've done to keep you." At that moment I started to cry. I put him through so much just because I didn't want him to wait for me. Hearing him say that just broke my heart. I grabbed his face in my hands. "Chris don't ever think you were a bad boyfriend. You were the most amazing boyfriend I could ever have. Everything about our relationship was perfect. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." I leaned in and kissed his forehead. "Im so sorry I never told you the truth. I didn't want you to wait. I didn't want to hold you back. I loved you so much that I thought I did the right thing. I'm sorry Chris. I'm sorry for putting you through so much. If anything I'm the worst girlfriend in the world." I brought my hands to my face and cried even harder. Chris pulled me on his lap and pulled me into a hug. He kissed the top of my head. "Baby don't ever think that you were a bad girlfriend. You were the best girlfriend I had. You brought me so much happiness and laughter. You showed me what love is. Everything about us was so perfect. I understand why you didn't want to tell me. I just want you to know I never stopped loving you." "I never stopped loving you either Chris." We stared into each others eyes. He pulled me in closer wrapping his arms around my waist. My arms snaked their way to his neck. He leaned in and kissed me. I felt the butterflies that were waiting to be summoned by him. I remembered how soft and warm his lips were sending each and every kiss with love. We broke apart and put our foreheads together. "I finally got you back. Can I call you mine?" He said with a smile. "I'm all yours." We kissed one more time. Cameron suddenly came down. "Looks like you two made up." He said smirking. "Indeed we did. What's with the nice outfit? Going on a date?" "Yes I'm going on a date." "With yourself?" I heard Chris say. I bursted out into laughter. "UM NO not with myself. Im going on a date with Amanda." "OOOOO CAM"S GOING ON A DATE WITH AMANDA!!" I yelled. "Dude Amanda's amazing. You'd guys make a cute couple. Don't mess up bro she deserves a lot. I will kick your booty." Chris said. "I won't man I promise. I'll treat her well." Cameron said. "OH btw thank you for taking great care of y/n. I really appreciate it." "Anytime dude. She's a keeper. Don't ever let her go." "I promise. I'll never let her go because I'm going to marry her right now." You froze. He's going to marry me?! Oh my gosh this can't be happening. "Y/N? Will you do the honor of being my wife?" I stood there and cried. "YES CHRIS. A MILLION TIMES YES." He slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. This was the best day ever. At first I lost him but I finally got him back and know he will forever be mine and I'll forever be his. "I love you so much babe." "I love you more Chris."

🌴That is officially the ending! I hope you all enjoyed and comment for requests! I'll get them up asap! Thank you for reading❤🌴

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