Bake day (Chris imagine)

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It was finally the weekend. My favorite day of the week. I woke up and saw to my left a snoring Chris with drool dripping out of his mouth. I chuckled quietly and kissed his nose. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning beautiful. What shall we do today?" He said in his morning voice. It was hot. "Good morning to you too babe and i don't know. What shall we do today?" "I have an idea. Lets just sleep in and cuddle." He pulled me back down under the covers and snuggled up against my waist his head in the crook of my neck. I laughed and tried to get out of his grip. He hugged me tighter leaving me trapped into his arms. I grabbed a pillow and smacked him in the face. "OW what was that for?!" He said rubbing the spot where the pillow hit. "C'mon I know what we're going to do today! We are going to bake cookies!" He perked up instantly at the sound of cookies."YASS!! SNACKABLES HERE I COME!" I chuckled to myself. One of the many reasons why I love him. We both got up and started to get ready. As I was putting my mascara on Chris comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I soon felt arms around me and his abs poking through my shirt. "You don't need to wear any make up, you're beautiful just the way you are." I turned around and gave him a peck on the lips."Thank you Chris but it's only mascara. Thats all i'm wearing I promise." He gives me an 'mhm' look and gets dressed. We arrive to the market and start to pick out the ingredients. Im in the shopping cart and Chris is pushing me around. "Chris what kind of cookies do you want to make?" "Let's make chocolate chip cookies." "Okay lets head to isle 5 and get the chocolate chips." He smirks and starts to push the cart faster and faster. Oh god. I held on for dear life. We almost ran into a display of chips. We arrived to the isle and picked the chocolate chips. Chris being the gentleman paid and we put all our stuff in the trunk. You can say the ride home was a bit crazy. Cold water was playing and all I can say was that people were staring at us. We made it back home and unpacked all the groceries. "Okay lets start baking!" "Okay babe you bake and I'll watch you from the couch waiting for the cookies to be done." He started walking over to the couch. I rolled my eyes. He is lazy. I started to mix the eggs in with the flour adding in the sugar and the chocolate chips. After about an hour the cookies were baking. I glanced again at the couch and saw that chris was sleeping. Smirking I grabbed a cup of flour and poured it all over his face and of course in his hair. He jumped off the couch startled and started whipping the flour off. I hid behind the couch hoping he wouldn't notice. Next thing I knew I was being picked up and brought to the kitchen. He set me down and pushed me up against the wall. One hand pinning both of my hands above my head. "Well someone's been bad. I don't recall having flour all over my face before falling asleep." He said in a low husky voice. "Well I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Lazypants. I was baking the cookies when you were sleeping soooo" "Oh so we have a liar here don't we?" He said coming closer leaving no space between us. He glances at my lips then at my eyes and back to my lips. He starts to lean in slowly. His lips lightly grazed mine. He's a major tease. He starts moving to my jawline then to my neck and back up to my lips, his lips grazing my skin the whole time. He smirked knowing he got me real good. I couldn't take it anymore so I crashed my lips to his. He kissed back gently which mad me mad. He pulled away and smirked again. He removes his hands behind his back and cracks two eggs on my head. "You should've seen the look on your face babe! It was priceless!!" He said laughing. I froze with my jaw dropping. "OH I see how it is. You want to play that game don't you?" Before I had the chance to get him back the oven beeped signaling that the cookies were done. "I'll get you back later Mr." I said while I was walking to the oven. I got the cookies off and set them out to cool. Chris comes behind me and kisses my cheek. "Mmm they look so yummy!!" He went to grab one and I smacked his hand."Not yet Chris they're still hot. You're going to burn yourself." He makes a pouty face and you kiss his lips. 20 minuets passed and you guys ate the cookies while watching a disney movie. He wrapped his arm around me and we sat in silence enjoying each other. "I love you Chris." "I love you more beautiful." I smiled and snuggled closer to him. I loved this boy so much.

*I hope you guys are still enjoying them!!💓*

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