If its meant to be, they'll come back part 1 (Chris imagine)

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You woke up due to the sun shining through your blinds. Looking around, your room was a mess. Tissues everywhere and your clothes were all over the floor. Getting out of bed you walked over to your full body mirror; you looked horrible. Eyes were red and puffy from crying too much. Your hair looked like a birds nest. It was utterly messy. You shrugged not caring how you looked and climbed back in bed. You grabbed your laptop and opened spotify clicking the "Sad Songs" playlist ( it's a real playlist on spotify, I'm listening to it as of right now while writing this) and clicking the shuffle button. The one that got away by Katy Perry was playing. Snuggling under your sheets you remember what happened last night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You looked in the mirror and flaunted at how you looked wearing the dress Chris picked out for you; it was simply beautiful. Today was your 9 month anniversary and Chris was going to take you out for dinner then a walk in the park. We met in highschool during sophomore year and we started dating junior year. We were going to be seniors this year but that was about to change. Your mom got a new job offer in Europe which meant you had to move. You had to move away from LA which means away from Chris. The doorbell rang and you quickly fixed yourself and wiped the tear off your cheek. Making your way downstairs you saw Chris dressed up in a nice white long-sleeve button up wearing his black jeans and white vans. He looked so handsome. Chris stood there in awe admiring how beautiful you looked. "Woah. Y/n you look so beautiful. Isn't that the dress I got you?" he said with a smirk. "Why yes it is Chris" you said with a chuckle. He walked towards you and engulfed you into a hug. You loved his hugs. You hugged him back tightly knowing this was the last hug you would receive from him. He looked at you and gave you a quick peck on the lip knowing it was the last time you will ever share a kiss. "Ready to go my princess?" "Yes I am my prince." We head out and he takes me to this fancy restaurant. You knew it was fancy if you couldn't pronounce the name. You guys talked about everything that night. After dinner he took you to the park. You guys sat on the bench in silence, Chris' arm wrapped around your waist and your head in the crook of his neck. You sigh and get off him and grab his hand in yours. He had a confused expression on his face. You take a deep breath. Here it goes.

Chris (POV)
"Babe.. We have to break up.." She said. I froze in shock. I'd never thought I would hear those words. We've been going 9 months strong. I met her when we were sophomores and instantly fell in love with her. And now we're breaking up..? "Chris?" She said again. I looked up at her, tears rolling down my eyes. She saw and started crying too. "W-wh-what?" You said stuttering. "You're breaking up with me? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I messed up babe! I did my best to make everything perfect. You deserve so much and I wanted to give that to you. You were my first of everything, I wanted it to be perfect." You stated. "I know love and I appreciate it the whole way. You were my first kiss, my first relationship, my first everything too...you were and always will be my first love but.." You saw she was trying to to cry but failing miserably. "The reason why I have to break up with you is because..I don't love you anymore." At that moment I couldn't comprehend what she just said. She doesn't love me anymore? What about all our 'I love yous' and all the promises we made to each other. This can't be happening. "Y-y-you don't love me anymore..?" You see her break down. "YES CHRIS I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE. GOODBYE." She said as she ran off. I just sat there and cried all my feelings out. Why did it have to be me. I went to my car and drove home. I opened the door and ran to my room locking the it behind me. My parents and siblings were banging on my door asking me what was wrong. I just ignored them, I didn't want to talk about it. That night I thought to myself all the things that I did that could've caused her to break up with me and what I could've done to kept her. My emotions couldn't take all the thinking so i just slept, my heart breaking every minuet of everyday wondering what I did wrong and why she stopped loving me.

🦋 Hope you loves enjoyed! There are about 4 parts to this don't worry. Thank you for reading!❤🦋

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