➐. Warrior in red

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Warrior in red 

>>Picture Dr Ace (not the one from ff)>>

As soon as you had layed eyes upon the warrior in red you felt as though something feral within you had awoken suddenly. It was the same feeling you had when that Seeker had attacked you earlier. You bit your lip hard fighting back that powerful feral urge to go on a rampage. The feeling was so strong it almost scared you. You were so caught up in holding it back that it took you a moment to notice the warm red liquid dribbling down from your lip.

Meanwhile, two people; a doctor and a scientist, carried on with their research unaware of the attack above. The two were on the lowest floor of the ShinRa building, underground. They experimented on the same very deadly disease that was slowly infecting the whole world. The two were Professor Hojo and Dr Ace. Not that Dr Ace actually wanted to work with professor Hojo but he only really did  things that would benfit him, and Ace had a big feeling that this would soon benefit him greatly. 

They had found out that the disease didn't spread easily and had a very unique way of doing it, though that part is classified...for now. As Hojo sorted through chemicals and tubes of different diseases, Ace went through the many different files in the cabinet in the opposite room. Shifting through them he stopped as a name caught his eye. 

Project Zero :(Name) (Last name)

Ace still remembered that day like it was the day before. The look in your eyes was still implanted in his mind...

 ~YOU/READER (9 Years old)~ (Ace's perspective)

The child was roughly dragged into the experimentation room and thrown at Professor Hojo’s feet. A sinister grin spread on his face from ear to ear. It was sickening. Ace was younger then too, just like (Name) who shook and trembled at the Professor’s feet in fear. Ace was about the same age as her, probably a little older, and he stood at the sidelines watching with an emotionless gaze, just hiding the slight pity he felt for the girl.The Professor bent down to (Name)’s level on the floor and grabbed her chin causing the girl to wince slightly.

  “You’ll do just fine. A little spitfire aren’t you?” He cackled. 

(Name) tried to pull out of Hojo’s grip but only caused him to hold her chin tighter. “You will be a good little lab rat, I will not tolerate any sign of disloyalty or bad behaviour. Understood?” Hojo asked keeping the sadistic smile on his face. When (Name) didn’t reply Ace jumped as the Professor slapped her hard across the cheek hard enough to make her hit the floor. A small amount of blood dribbled from the girl’s mouth as she dared not move in case she would anger the Professor more. This time Hojo made (Name) sit up by grabbing her neck in a tight grip almost choking her. “Understood?” He said louder, his smile wiped from his face and replaced with a snarl. 

 A small trace of anger shot through Ace as Hojo man handled the small girl. How could he have the nerves to do this? Even if the girl was a monster (Not that you knew this) Ace thought it was cruel for Hojo to storm into a village filled with innocent people and cause destruction and pain upon them, especially (Name) who hadn’t even done anything wrong. It was her mother that should be in her daughter’s place, not (Name). But Ace refrained from lifting a finger to help knowing that he would get in trouble it he went against Hojo.  


(Back to present)

You dashed with lightning speed at the SOLDIER clad in red and met his crimson blade with your own. The sound of the blades colliding almost deafened your ears, but you didn’t show your discomfort. You withdrew and swung at his middle. He easily blocked and held your sword in place, his eyes finding and locking with yours.

  “Why so persistent hmm?” He asked seeming genuinly curious. You glared at him and answered with,

“Stop talking!” You hissed.

 You twisted your sword and thrust it upwards to make a cut for his arm. He jumped back barely avoiding the blow.

You both attacked each other like wild beasts relentlessly and with much force trying to get the other to surrender or beg for mercy, but neither of you were yielding. For a split second you were caught off guard and Genesis’ sword impaled through your gut sending blinding pain roaring up through your spine. You landed on the ground with a loud thud coughing up large amounts of blood. You suddenly felt the cold metal of Genesis’ sword against your neck, the blade digging in ever so slightly.

“Give up.”

It was then you felt that same strange power burst through you.


BalladOfAWolf: Hey guys, sorry for the REALLY long wait, I just had my mind focused on 'Forget Me Not' more than anything and been extremely busy! So again I'm sorry for keeping you waiting but here it is! The next chapter! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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