➎. Rescue plan into action

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Rescue plan into action 

You shivered as the thought of the creature staring deep into your soul sank in. You had never taken on a Seeker alone before, and you didn’t really want to start now. All you could think about was the fact that this beast was once human. Now, the whole of its eyes were pitch black, its spine grew so much it was hunched over, the spine still looked as if it would pop out. Its skin was mouldy, ash grey and decaying slightly. Face long, pointy and stretched, and last but not least it’s long, black claws and fangs.

The constant sound of your heart thumping in your chest echoed in your head loudly. A strip of stringy red flesh dangled from its gawking mouth almost making you want to gag. Its ugly face was caked in its victims blood. To think it was once human! Come on you were better than this! Where had your courage and bravery gone? Your friends were risking their lives trying to rescue Xion and here you were standing stone still. At least they’re fighting sane humans, you thought. There was no telling how this Seeker would act. To put it simply, all Seekers were insane. They all had their own strange ways of acting and fighting. Some sloppy and defenceless, others extremely skilled. Seekers only had one thing in common however, their battle cries were enough to burst your eardrums. Most of you hoped this one was an amateur, but oddly the remaining part of you wanted a challenge. You got your act together. You had a fair chance of winning since you were very well equipped. Your two oversized guns Outlaw and Mercy sat snug in their holsters either side of your hips. Two hand grenades in the small pouch on your thigh and lastly the Chaos Eater which you summoned instead of carrying it around. The creature’s lips curled back revealing on thin needle like teeth. Black and rotten. Its growl was fierce but gurgly. You slowly reached for your two guns silently pulling them out of their holsters. It suddenly let out a screech and was on you in a matter of seconds. You only just managed to roll out of the way. With quick aim you shot the creature in the chest twice and got up from the ground. However the Seeker did not fall to the ground dead. Shooting it only seemed to make it angrier. It pounced on you again knocking you into the wall behind hitting the side of your head in the process. Your head rang in agony but you forced yourself to focus. The monster bit and clawed at you. Seeing a chance you swung your fist into its face, once, twice and a third time till it fell. You scooped up your dropped guns and turned only to be brought to the ground.


“I’ll ask you once more. Where is your sanctuary?” Reno sighed with frustration. Xion trembled but held her glare at Reno. Her face was red from with bruises and cuts from Rude’s strikes. “If I’m perfectly honest I actually don’t like doing this, more so my friend here, plus this isn’t meant to be our job anyway. So just tell us and it’ll benefit us both.” How would it benefit me? Xion thought. Xion remained silent refusing to give in. The Dark Brotherhood was like her family, and she would not sell them out. Before Reno could give Rude the signal the door to the interrogation room opened revealing Genesis.

“ShinRa wants to talk to you, and now, you know what he’s like when he’s kept waiting.” He said to the two turks. Reno sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

“Ok whatever. He’s not gonna be happy anyway. Haven’t got a single word out of her.”

The turks made their way to their boss’s office and knocked. Once they heard the word ‘enter’, they did. “You wanted to talk to us sir?”

“Yes, what have you learnt from the girl?” Rufus asked with his back turned to them. Reno and Rude scratched their necks nervously glancing at each other.

“She’s a stubborn one sir. We haven’t gotten anything out of her yet.” Reno replied. Rufus turned and glared at the two.

“I expect information within three days that is how long you have until I lose my patience. Do I make myself clear?” Reno and his partner nodded without hesitation. Looks like they had to work harder. “And that’s starting tomorrow, go back to whatever you were doing.” Once the two were out of his office the president sat down and dragged his hand across his faithful panthers black head, Dark Nation. “Where are you and your little friends hiding (Name)? I will find you, and it will be soon. You’ve caused more than enough problems for my company and I and I’m getting tired of it.” Oh, Rufus actually did know who you were. However the fact that he kept it a secret was a mystery. For now.


Genesis stared at the beaten girl tied to the chair. If she had just told them she could have avoided this, the SOLDIER thought to himself. Rufus had ordered the red headed male to guard her prison cell until further notice. Not that he saw the point because she wouldn’t be getting out any time soon. From what he’d heard her name was Xion. Genesis sighed as he walked out of the room to guard the cell from the outside. He thought that if he stayed any longer he would go soft and untie her so she could move around. However he didn’t want to risk anything.


Pain erupted through your left arm as the wretched Seeker tore deep into your flesh. It took everything you had not to scream but you did almost forget how to breathe properly. At that moment however when you felt weak and defenceless, you could have sworn you heard a small voice in your head.

Cut away everything! Tear away everything! Burn away everything!


Suddenly you felt like your whole body was on fire. Power surged through you like a tornado and an invisible force threw the Seeker off of you. You struggled to regulate your fast breathing as adrenaline rushed through you. It ever so slowly started to die down and you felt normal again, apart from the searing pain in your left arm. When you managed to push yourself into a sitting position, you were shocked at the site. The Seeker was scattered everywhere in tiny pieces of flesh and bone.

~YOU/READER (9 Years old)~

The town burned with roaring spitting flames. Screams filled the smokey air as you ran with Sire at your side. The Sanctum had invaded the town. Rumours had been passed all the way to the Sanctum that the town was infested with Seekers. Of course those rumours were false.

“Don’t Let Her Escape. Hojo Wants Her Alive!” Your small legs wouldn’t out run the PSICOM SOLDIERs so you screamed once one grabbed your arms and flung you over their shoulder. You kicked and yelled hoping someone would save you. Who would? Everyone hated you. However Sire attempted you leap at the PSICOM SOLDIER but was surrounded by others.

“Sire! Sire!”

“(Name)!” Someone called out your name at the top of their lungs. Lu. “Stop! She hasn’t done anything wrong! Release her!”

“Lu!” You cried, as the old woman ran after you.

“Kill her.” The SOLDIER said without a care in the world.

“No! No Don’t!” Your breathing caught in your lungs as three shots rang out and Lu’s eyes widened. She fell, as if in your eyes slow motion. All you could hear was the sound of her frail body hitting the floor and your racing heartbeat. 

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