➍. Human Scent

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Human Scent

 The underground base for the Dark Brotherhood was basically a cave. There was a small stream that ran through your chambers and created a miniature waterfall in the central area of the cave where your group normally gathered to mingle. However it was only you and Sire that sat at the pond the waterfall made in the central area. Fang was currently in her room also awaiting for the others to return from their missions you gave them. There was two members that always stayed in the hideout to defend it, but those two were also in their rooms. Those members were Vanille and Roxas.

Yes it was true. Sire was real, and you understood every word he said…not that he talked much though. To others it only sounded like a purr, growl or even a roar. You had no idea why it was only you who could understand him. You had named him Sire because of his proud and honourable personality and it reminded you of a king. So you had thought the name Sire fitted him perfectly, since you thought of him as your king. You sat there on the cold stone ground running your fingers through Sire’s soft fur as you brainstormed about your plans to save Xion. However you became unfocused and your mind drifted back to past memories of your time in that god-forsaken town that no longer existed, so you were told. ‘I believe you will save us all and lead us to salvation.’ Yeah great start. You were completely heading the right way and all, leading a group of outlaws…some saviour you were.  

It was when you heard the sound of multiple footsteps you were dragged out of your thoughts. Seifer, Fuu, Rai and Noel had returned from their mission.

“Hey (Name), we managed to steal some material from ShinRa just like you said.” Seifer greeted you. “Where are the others?”

“In their rooms.” You replied bluntly. “But Xion…” You started but struggled to end the sentence. What would they think of you once you told them you had left Xion alone?

“Was captured.” Fang finished for you as she walked in.

“What!? You left Xion!?” You cringed at Seifer’s tone and looked away, luckily no one noticed. Sire nudged you in a comforting manner, and you sighed.

“Don’t think I’ve just been sitting here gazing off into the blue! I’ve been brainstorming, and I have a plan.” You said with more domination in your voice.


 “Well? What happened?” Rufus asked once his SOLDIERs had returned to report. They all shifted nervously under his hard cold gaze not one of them speaking, so Genesis stepped forward.

“My squad didn’t manage to find any information on any of the members, however we did capture one of them. Sephiroth is with the interrogation team right now.” He said emotionlessly. Rufus nodded and turned to Leon.

“And Squall, what of your group?” Leon looked away shamefully.

“We weren’t able to locate their base, and we were attacked by three of them.” Rufus seemed at bit more interested at this.

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