Red Vs Blue

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Tucker: Tex doesn't trust me right now.

Caboose: Really? Why not?Tucker: Eh,because I got to use the sniper rifle and I ended up unloading a round into her ass.Caboose: Hay chicka bump bump!Tucker: Caboose! What did I tell you about that?Caboose: Sorry, sorry...Bow chicka bow wow!

You shot Church, you team killing fucktard!

[reffering to Tex's invisibility] Yet I was still was able to check out her ass.... That's why I'm a pro.

People learn English all the time; it aren't that hard.

Hey, the box is there for a reason. I like thinking inside of it. I feel safe in there.

What are they doing now?

Actually, personal warmth is very important. Let's go get that mitten; it'll be like a mini quest!

Tucker: CHURCH! WAIT! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU! [runs to Chruch and Tex from Blue base] [panting] I just wanted to say I've got a hard-line Tex could use. Bow chicka bow wow!

Church: What--- How did you even hear that from over there?Tucker: Pft, I'm like Superman: I know when I'm needed.If you had backed up any further you would have had to mail him the bullets!

Somebody call for a really hairy plumber? Bow chicka bow wow! I came here to lay down some pipe. Bow chicka bow wow! Are you a model or famous actress? Bow chicka bow wow! So, I hear you have sisters. Bow chicka - who are twins! - bow wow! Bow chicka chicka bow bow chicka chicka bow bow chicka chicka bow bow!

Fuck that, I'm pissed! Let's fight!

What if I have to kill things? I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Damn! I knew you could pick up chicks in the tank!

[when told he's given birth] It's not mine! I wasn't even in town that weekend!

Oh fuckberries!

What're you gonna do, shoot ghost bullets? "Hey, I'm Casper the friendly bullet."

[giving advice to his alien son] The point is, you're on your own now, and I don't have enough time to tell you everything you need to know. So here's a few brief pointers: invest in real estate. There's no such thing as a permanent record. Always eat breakfast. All the girls on the internet are actually dudes. And you should never, ever, buy the extended warranty on anything. EVER. Also, chicks like it when you tell them they're pretty, but they also like it when you're kind of a dick to them. So mix it up a little.

For the record I want you to know rocks aren't people.

Yes I am afraid of black stuff.

Tread lightly dude. Tread. Lightly.

Church women are like Voltron, the more you hook up the better it gets.

[on teaching the alien english] Yeah, but only one [language] that kicks ass, and that's the one we're teaching... English 101... remedial kick-ass.

You have the fucking rifle; I can't see shit! Don't bitch at me because I'm not going to just sit up here and play with my dick all day.

Junior: Bow chicka honk honk!

Doc: Wow. I guess you have been teaching him something.Tucker: Teach? You dont teach that, that's just genetic!Yeah, slip it to them. Bow chicka bow wow!

That's a lot of graves, lot of holes to fill. Bow chicka wow wow.

Tucker: [to Caboose] You didn't remember a waterfall? Dude that's like not remembering your first girlfriend turned out to have a dick. [turns to Grif] Right Grif?

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