From a dream to a nightmare

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     Auri was a 17 year old young lady. She had hazel eyes, long brown hair, defined eyebrows and was very beautiful and attractive. Auri always wanted a boyfriend. When one day after she had finished her culinary classes at the 'Scholars College', and was on her way back to her dorm, an 18 year old handsome young man stepped in front of her. " I'm Andrew" he said. He then started introducing himself. He told her his age and that he also wanted to be a chef. Auri began introducing herself to him, and they talked for hours. They stopped talking when they realized it was 8 pm.

They both went to their respective dorms. As soon as, Auri was in her dorm, she texted her mom about it. Auri was very excited.

The two began dating, and when valentines day came she took Andrew to her mothers, and her mother met Andrew for the first time. She surprisingly liked him. She trusted him just enough to leave the two in the house alone. She left, and went to visit a friend in the hospital.

When Auri's mom left the house, Andrew persuaded Auri to make love together. They did. When Auri's mom arrived back home they both acted as if nothing happened. They left to back to their dorms at the college.That night Auri's dream finally came true.

Two months after Valentines Day Auri began feeling much more tired than usual, she had strange cravings, and she also developed uncontrollable mood swings. One day Auri took a pregnancy, and it came out as POSITIVE. Auri cried and cried and began saying in a sulky voice, " I'm so dumb, why did I do it? Why?!". She then called Andrew and told him everything. He quickly went over to her dorm. They talked about it and decided that they would tell Auri's mom, Angel what happened. They were very worried about what she would say so they decided they would tell her on the weekend. Andrew told Auri that he would never leave her alone with the baby.

Pregnant at 17 years oldWhere stories live. Discover now