Chapter Fifteen - Trouble afoot

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It was mid-day. The mountainous hillside had made way to dense forest and thick scrub. The drizzle had abated momentarily, there was enough distance between them and danger to slow down and rest the horses momentarily. Martin and Aramon immediately began to bicker about being on the same horse. Martin felt that he sitting behind a man was where a woman should sit, Aramon agreed, apparently robes classed as a dress, therefore he was a woman. Sameeca then put forth the idea that maybe Martin would care to sit sidesaddle in front, like some sort of medieval heroine. That had shut them both up.

The small group lapsed into silence, all that could be heard throughout the trees was the singing of the birds, and the soft constant almost lulling buzzing of flies. The woods were lush and green, with a thick carpet of dead leaves to muffle the sounds of hoof beats. Sunlight streamed through the branches and pooled on the forest floor. The warm sun made the traveling pleasant, almost like riding whilst wrapped up in bed. To stop herself from dozing off on Lethanas' shoulder and drooling down his jerkin again, Sameeca asked him a question.

"Why don't you like that Wizard, he seemed harmless enough?"

"Whiselthyme is exactly that. He was once the most powerful and well respected wizards in the realm. He was the Kings Councillor to Lioner the first. It was Whiselthyme that told him of the waters to begin with," The elfish prince informed his passenger.

"But that was..."  Sameeca mentally tried to work out the years, and failed miserably. "A long long time ago..."

"Two thousand years. Men of Magic are granted a longer life span, as the magic they wield aids the upkeep of the body. If they use the pure elemental magic that the Elves taught them aeon's ago, they can live for hundreds of years. However, Whiselthyme's mind can not keep up with that. The Mortal Mind was not designed for such a life, and so his memory withers and his abilities, while still powerful, are not what they once were. He has no clue what goes on any more, so wrapped up in his own world is he. If he met Vaskar now, he would sing like a bird without realising the damage he would do. It is in his best interests that we protect him for now."

"Guess he is crazy neutral after all...oh bugger...does that mean I'm stuck with that pillock forever." Sameeca's head nodded towards her brother, now arguing that Aramon's smell was giving him a headache.

"He is your brother, you are lucky to have him." Lethanas told her sadly.

"Pchah! He's an arrogant know it all. Do you have brothers?"

"I have a brother of blood, who has not returned from a patrol. He has been missing for a year. I fear I will not see him again. You should be thankful for Martin, you do not know how long you will have him for."

"I'm sorry....I didn't know," The girl apologised, feeling like a first class idiot. "I'm sure he's fine, you elves seem like a resourceful bunch. I mean if you can help deliver millions of gifts in one night, surviving should be child's play!" Sameeca grinned awkwardly, before realising, once again he wouldn't have got the reference.Note to self, she thought. Next time, think before we sarcasm.

"Would ye'stop whinging ye battle-axe! I don' gi'a crud about ye pansy ass robes wrinklin' up!" Aramon cried.

"That's the problem Aramon, you never care!"


Elthanas and Whiselthyme neared Crisanas Keep. They had looped round and were going to enter from the Urthen Side, instead of the Oesenial gate, the main entrance. Elthanas thought there would be less chance of Whiselthyme being spotted, and they could sneak into the City unnoticed. Their travels had passed them through a set of caves, hidden in the dense Hadír woodlands. It was known as Folly's Flight, because the footholds were so treacherous. But Lethanas and Elthanas had made a path through, should there ever be need of an escape route in a hurry. It was along this that Elthanas cajoled the Wizard along;

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