No Room

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Don't you hate small places. I do. I feel so small and cramped.

Its like a closet *wink wink*

So Small. *HAHAHAHAHAHA* (';

You know why else you should hate small spaces

Its easier for the zombies to trap you.

I warn you! DO NOT trap yourself in a small room with no windows unless you are 100% sure a zombie could not get into it. If you do have a secret bat cave then,WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BISH! -_-

You must be cautious when in small spaces. Don't go into corners. Have room to run and swing a weapon. Don't get surronded.

Don't be a bish and scream "ITS TOO DARK" Just be a sleuth and go in for whatever you needed and get out. Run away to the middle of nowhere. Get away from the monsters.

Good,now I do wish to remind you....PACK YOUR F*CKING ZSK! WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING IT! NO COME. BACK HERE BISH! *jumps out window* they always run....

ZAS(zombie attack survial)Where stories live. Discover now