Chapter 3: His Sisters Clothes

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"This way your majesty." I smiled down at the creature.

"Thank you Reepicheep!" I whispered rubbing my wrists as I followed him through the woods.

"I'm sorry we did not come for you sooner Milady we did not know!" He told me quietly.

"It's quite alright you've done quite enough." I assured him then hearing the soldiers quickly shut up and hid further behind the logs.

"Yeah the prisoners a female real beauty apparently."

"I hope she's here to give us some form of entertainment." Laughed one of the soldiers.

"Yeah it's been a while since we've had anything to do around here besides search for the prince and help build this damn bridge!"

Disgusting pigs! I thought angrily.

"Nah did ya hear? They caught her out in the woods it's believed she's a friend of the Narnians heard she ran into a patrol group and was asking where they were." I grimaced as the scene played back before my eyes.

"What on earth is going on?" I was shivering it was cold now that night had fallen. I had been walking around all day and had not found a single Narnian nor would any of the trees respond when I called. Something was was definitely a miss. And where were Peter and the others? Why had only I been sent here?

My stomach growled hungrily. I was starving.

"Who goes there?" I wheeled around at the sound of a mans voice.

"Who's there?" I called back. Suddenly out of the gloom came several men dressed in what must have been soldiers armor.

"Who are you!" Demanded the leader.

"My names Elizabeth, who are you? Where are we?" The men looked at me suspiciously. "Is this Narnia? But where are the Narnians?"

Their eyes widened before they narrowed.

"You are coming with us! Missy!" His hand lashed out and grabbed my arm.

"Hey let go of me!" I yanked myself away from him. What on earth was going on?

"You are under arrest." He growled. The others quickly encircled me.

"What for? On what grounds?" I demanded angrily. Who were these guys?

"Don't play dumb! Grab her!"

End flashback

Of course it's pretty obvious to say I tried to run away. When that failed I fought against them and quickly found myself over powered especially seeing as my punches while strong enough to tussle with Peter werent anything against armor. My struggles only earned me bruised hands and various scrapes and bruises on my body. Finally they knocked me out hitting me on the same spot the boy at the train station had hit. So saddly enough I woke up bound and gagged with a splitting head ache, in a tent where some men tried to question me about someone named Caspian and the location of the Narnians. When I didn't respond I was slapped until a disgusting man named Serpent something or other decided I was cute and amusing and he'd keep me as a "little pet" until Lord Miraz decided what to do with me.

I was left alone it the tent which provided me with the perfect opportunity. Now I wasn't as good as Houdini at escaping but I was pretty used to escaping odd places and situations which is why I always carried a pocketknife in my skirts hidden pocket, something Ms McCready had seen into my dresses and skirts for me. It had been our little shared agreement, she'd make pockets for my dresses and skirts including school skirts and Id stop wearing boys pants and clothes. A nice exchange I had to admit.

A Different World ~ Sequel to The Heart Of NarniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora