Chapter 5: Battle Advice

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Hey guys I never do this but I honestly need some advice. Should I keep switching between the two girls every chapter??? Is that working alright???


"I think you may have a mild concussion your majesty and you've done a number to your hands but otherwise you seem fine to me." Said the badger with a gentle pull as he finished tying the bandages to my hands and wrists.
"Thank you." I said to him.
"No problem my dear." He said softly.
"Are you-feeling alright?" I looked up startled to find Caspian hovering at the doorway.
"Yes I feel just fine thank you Caspian." I said with a grin.
"Im glad to hear that you had me worried when you first arrived. I thought I might have summoned you to your demise." This made me laugh, something that felt very good.
"Believe me I've been through worse, besides itd take more than kidnapping to do me in." I said with a confident grin as he walked over to me.
"So the stories say." He agreed standing before the bed with a grin. Then it occurred to me. He was dressed in full armor.
"Somethkng the matter? Are we under attack?" I asked quickly rising to my feet and fastening the arm guards buckles he'd been struggling with.
"Uh well not exactly. You see we were just about to go on patrol-"
"Oh great may I come along?" This seemed to startle him even more.
"Your ma-Ella are you sure of this it'll certainly be dangerous." The concerned look on his face made me smile while also making my heart throb as it reminded me of how Peter used to look at me in times of danger.
"I assure you Caspian. I'll be fine, I can carry my own weight in a fight." He regarded me with a somewhat shocked expression before I walked past him grabbing the short sword the dwarves had found for me. It didn't feel right in my hands, not the way Heart, my own sword did but what could you do? For the time this would do nicely. Next was the crossbow and quiver I slung over my shoulders.
"Shall we go?" I asked him trying not to laugh at his awed and surprised look.
"Uh-well," he cleared his throat before grinning back as well. "If we're going to go, we'll need to stop by the armorist first."
"Why?" I asked as he walked up and together we headed for the door of my room.
"Can't have the queen without armor now can I?" A smile slipped across my lips and I felt my chest filling with a emotion I had not felt for quite some time.


He certainly made all my troubles fly from my shoulders. I felt more and more like my old self every second.
We were trotting through the trees scouting the area.
"Anything to the west?" Asked Caspian quietly as some others rejoined us. Nickabrick shook his head.
"Nothing to the south or east either my lord." Reported the tiny red squirrel named Pattertwig.
"Trouble." I mumbled interrupting Caspian. I didn't even get the chance to point before cross bow bolts flew past snagging a piece of my hair as it did.
"WERE UNDER ATTACK!" Yelled Caspian even as the screams and yells of the enemy reverberated in the trees around us.
"Quickly spread out! Get behind the trees!" I yelled taking command out of instinct even as several men reached Caspian and I.
Drawing my sword i quickly cut down the man charging me. The grip pulled on my hand reminding me once again the sword wasn't mine.
My eyes landed on Caspian just as a man on foot took aim.
"CASPIAN!" I yelled and kicked Vera forward. Luckily her scream and my yell startled him. By the time he had found me his eyes wide at the sight of a female on horseback bearing down on him I had the crossbow Caspian had given me leveled in the air. I waited even as he raised his own before pulling the trigger.
A bolt zoomed past catching my arm as mine sunk deep into the mans jugular.
"Are you alright?" The other men had been dealt with and Caspian had pulled up Destria alongside me.
"Im alright just a scratch." I shrugged as his eyes spotted the scarlet stained sleeve my hand was clamped upon.
"Your majesty! We should hurry back to the Howe!"
"No!" Everyone looked surprised at my firm tone and exclamation. "First we need to move the bodies and clean up the blood. We can't let them find them. Make sure not to drag the bodies it'll leave a trail. And then we need to find their other search parties. If only one search party doesn't return it'll make pin pointing us all the easier." I explained. This seemed to surprise them, but what could I say. I had studied under Edmund one of the greatest strategical battle minds of the world. Besides Peter had not been shabby either. I should have learned at least somethings from them after almost thirty years with them as High Queen of Narnia.
"But your injury-" protested Trufflehunter.
"Is minor compared to what will happen to the others if we allow them to find us." I said cutting them off. Caspian watched me with an unreadable expression for a moment before pulling out his dagger. I watched him in confusion before he cut off the bottom of his shirt.
"What are you-" but he pulled my hand away from my wound.
"For now this will have to do, sorry I can't do much more but you're right. If only one squad doesn't return he'll know we were in this area."
It made me feel a sense of pride as the prince learned something new.
"It's fine thank you Caspian." I said as he finished tying the knot in the makeshift bandage. "Do you have a map?"
"I do!" Said Nickabrick. I turned my eyes on him and smiled as he grudgingly pulled out a map.
"Thank you." I said as Caspian took it and held it open. We had to pull the horses up right against each other so that our legs bumped against one another as we looked at the map. Why is it even this reminded me of Peter? How he could never ask for directions and the original reason I started the arduous task of topographically recording Narnias terrain. Though with the changing times and earth those maps would be useless by now. Besides I was the only one who would know how to read them. At least that's what I had thought but instead I was shocked t see the roughest and earliest form of historical topography maps.
"Well times certainly are changing HUH?" I asked running my fingers over the map.
"It-does it bother you?" Asked Caspian glancing at me. I looked at the map and was surprised to see Cair Paravel had been cut off from the mainland. Someone had dredged a canal there. Probably due to the Telmarines fear of the place. I didn't tell Caspian but that was probably where the others had appeared at. Damn it would they be alright?
"No it doesn't bother me. That's how life is, constantly changing and evolving. However there's someone else who may not be as...accepting..." I murmured looking up at the green canopy speckled blue with the sky above.
"Your majesty were ready to head out when you are." I ignored the fact that Glennstorm had addressed me and turned my gaze on Caspian.
"I-well Ella?" He seemed unsure of wether or not to take command or not.
"It's up to you. You are the leader here." I reminded him. "What is our next move?"
He seemed surprised before looking down at the map with scrutiny.
"There! That's where my uncle will have a patrol and it's in a spot where we can hit them from behind. This will cause double the confusion as they won't know which side of their lines we are on. Theyll double check the area they've already cleared which will buy us even more time." Said Caspian. It made me smile a little to see his determination. He'd make a good King someday, and I was going to ensure this.
"Then I suggest we get moving." I responded "Vera let's move."
"Yes Your Majesty." She replied before moving off. "Hey Caspian!"
He looked at me as we hurried off.
"Good job." His eyes widened in surprise as I smirked at him before urging Vera on. Yes good job indeed.


"How's your arm?" I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"I promise prince Caspian it's not nearly as bad as it seems. I've had much worse in battle." I reminded him.
"True the stories About your battle against the white witch-"
"Now now I'll have you know unlike what I've heard some of you saying it was a few cuts and stuff and only one cross bow bolt. Some of the stories Ive heard people telling make me sound like a hedge hog with how many bolts i took." Caspian, now clean and showered, chuckled at this as he took a seat and straddled it before mine watching as Trufflehunter bound my injury.
"Still more than I could say for myself, plus you were turned to stone were you not?"
I froze the memory of how it felt as my body shifted its entire nature returning to me.
"Ella!" I blinked startled and the memory faded away.
"Sorry I just-it was certainly a unpleasant-"
"It still affects you." I looked up startled to meet his serious eyes. "I can tell."
I regarded him carefully. "How so?"
"Just now you stopped moving and the light in your face it changed. You almost looked like a statue. It's something I've noticed before when you're thinking. You don't move, youre. Eyes and the look on your face change, you're like a statue in a garden." He observed his eyes piercing deep into my core.
This surprised me but at the same time I remember Lucy mentioning something similar to me before.
"It's odd isnt it? Before any of that happened I never really was one to over think things or act like that." I murmured embarrassed looking down at my hands fiddling with a bit of my skirt.
"A side effect maybe of what happened?" Guessed Trufflehunter.
"Perhaps but it's a small price to pay for what we accomplished that day." I shrugged. Even now thinking back on it I didn't regret it, not even in the pit of my heart. That day had been a hard one but it had brought so much good. It had changed Narnia and myself forever for good.
"Hopefully we'll be able to accomplish it again." Said Caspian a troubled expression moving to cover his handsome complexion.
I watched him for a minute.
"Caspian, I'm not much of a help but, there are certain things I-we can do. They're not huge but they'll help our chances of survival, and success." This made him look up. Until now their plan had been survive until they were strong enough to take on Miraz, this wasn't going to do anything.
"Youe will not win if we merely plan to survive, not anymore. Now is the time for action. Subtle-but purposeful."
He watched me for a moment before nodding. "I agree. Miraz will out last us and will only gain in strength. So," he swallowed and leveled his beautiful serious eyes with mine. "How do we do this?"

Hello everyone I suck I know. I thought I hit upload I didn't im sorry I thought I posted this two weeks ago. Im horrible DX however I hope you like this :) please vote or comment i love hearing from you it makes me realize when I screw up and don't hit the right buttons...

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