Chapter 5

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The team had flown back to the Rebellion headquarters, and explained the situation to the leader-General Organa-and that Ezra, and his companion Jared would be staying awhile.

Sabine and Ezra sat in the local Cantina, talking.

"So you're telling me I got hit with how many milkcartons?" Ezra said, facepalming.

"I lost count." Sabine said with a laugh. "And then you fell off the Ghost."

Jared walked in, after overhearing and stared laughing. "Wow Ez. Guess you aren't so high and mighty after all."

Ezra glared, while Sabine laughed.

Willow and April were listening in from under the counter, aka recording it.

"This is so cute" April whispered.

"Definitely otp" Willow replied, giggling.

The two of them had been planning something for awhile, with the help of two other Rebellion girls; Cat and Aisling.

The plan was fairly straight forward, but they were compiling recordings and old photos that Sabine had saved from back on The Ghost, and they were gonna have, a sort of party to try and help Ezra remember.

Mainly because, they knew Sabine wouldn't be the same without Ezra as he was before.

Partly, because they really shipped this.

Meanwhile, Cat, and Aisling were decorating the Grand Hall for the party.

"I still think we should have a Sabezra Forever sign" Aisling grumbled.

"This is a remembering party. Not a sabezra party. Though I wish it was." Cat said with a laugh.

Willow and April joined them in the great hall, shortly after.

They looked around, admiring the decorations and everything. "This looks great!" Willow exclaimed happily.

"I'm sure they'll love it!" April commented.

"We're gonna go lure them in here." Aisling said, grabbing her jacket and heading for the door.

Cat double checked the decorations, and then followed her out.

As the two girls walked along the streets, they couldn't help but feel excited for this. They'd been planning it for the past week, and we're sure everything would go as planned.

They reached the Cantina, and were just about to walk up to Ezra and Sabine, when everything came to a halt.

A young Pantoran burst through the doors, and ran over to Ezra, throwing her arms around him.

"Ezra!" She exclaimed, giving him a kiss. "I'm so glad you're alright love!"

And that's when Sabines' whole world sunk.

Again you really thought it'd be happy?

Aisling is @the_forgotten_jedi on Instagram (follow)

Cat is @cat_nmc on Instagram (follow)


6 years (a Star Wars Rebels Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora