Chapter 9

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Sorry on taking forever but um I guess you could say surprise but this is the next to last chapter...

There will be an epilogue but this is the next to last official chapter...



Laura POV

I was sitting on the Magcon stage and watching Hayes, Carter, and Mahogany Dance.

They were doing the nae nae and let me say, he looked pretty hot.

Which made what I was going to do tomorrow so much harder.

After magcon he came over and kissed my forehead.

"You have amazing fans. I'm kind of jealous." I said laughing.

"They could never steal me from you." He said, hugging me and catching up with the guys.

I sighed.

Oh god.


I packed up the next day and I heard the door open.

I jerked around, hoping it wasn't Hayes.

Thankfully it was Cameron.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean you know..." He said.

"Yes Cameron, I'm sure. I'm not ready for, all of this, it's too fast. We're only 13." I told him again.

He nodded and looked at the floor.

"I'm proud of you." He said. "You're so smart. You make me wonder how were related." He smiled.

I laughed loudly.

"We're not." I told him between giggles.

I like to pretend.

He engulfed me in a huge hug.

"I love you no matter what, you know that don't you?" He said in my ear.

I nodded even though he couldn't see it.

"I love you too Cameron."

He smiled at me again when we pulled away.

"Well." He sighed. "Let's go to the airport."


Me and Hayes walked hand in hand through the airport.

I felt so guilty. I loved Hayes, I really did.

But this was right.

We arrived at his gate and I gave his hand a final squeeze before letting go.

"So I guess this is where we say goodbye." He sighed and smiled.

He went to kiss my lips but I stopped him.

I twisted my promise ring around my finger.

My nervous habit.

Seeing I had done that, his face changed to worry.

"What is it?" He asked.

I sighed, knowing I was about to do the hardest thing I've ever done.

"Hayes. I love you. You know that right?" I started.

He nodded, starting to get the idea of where I was headed.

"Hayes I want you to take this." I said, pulling off the promise ring and giving it to him gently.

He gulped.


"Because I'm breaking my promise." I told him hesitantly.

He broke down.

"Hayes please." I begged.

He just wiped his tears away and looked for me to continue.

"We're 13 Hayes. We moved a little too fast, especially since just a year ago, I was being forced into abuse." I said.
"That doesn't happen to 12 year olds."

He nodded.

"This is hard for me to do, I really hope you understand this. This is so hard but I have to. The pressure is hard on me right now. Maybe someday when we're older and all of this is behind us. But for now, Hayes, this is too much. I want forever, but not at 13. We're going into this head over heels and we're gonna end up in more pain than we even are right now. This is it Hayes. Have a nice flight home, I'll always love you, remember that."

I turned away and I felt him grab my arm.

Jesus Hayes.

I turned around, my arm still in his hand.

"Please Laura, we can slow down, I just CANT lose you." He shouted.

"That's just it though, we're 13, we shouldn't be dependent on each other. I've made up my mind Hayes. I'm so sorry."

I began to cry as I shook my arm away and began walking, dragging my suitcase behind me.

The next thing I did I regretted.

I looked over my shoulder to see a dumbfound Hayes. Tears strolling down his face and free falling to the floor like raindrops. Suitcase on the ground and a hand through his hair, looking like he just lost his dog.

I picked up my pace and walked faster towards my gate.

When I saw Cameron I broke into full sprint.

I sobbed into his chest and broke down.

"I know. I know." He sighed.

A few minutes later we boarded the plane and took off.

I took one last look at the ground and then shut my eyes.

Worst day ever.


Hey guys! Hoped you enjoyed one of the final chapters in this book.

You guys don't understand how hard this chapter was to write. Like I started crying.

But thanks for everything you guys do and your patience!

- xoxo Laura

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