Chapter 5

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Guys I really hope you like this update. I'm sorry I've been slacking and this sucks but I love you guys!

Laura POV

This new life was different.

Thankfully it was summer so I didn't have to start a new school.

Another thing, long distance.

Hayes and I live over 500 miles away from each other and sure we FaceTime and text but seeing each other in person just got ten times harder.

But I had Cameron and Brent, who lived nearby.

So all in all, things were, ok.

Until I got this twitter notification.

"@hayesisdabaeeeee: Laura is so ugly, why does hayes like her."

I opened the tweet.

500 retweets and 2000 favorites


There were also some responses like

"Ikr like she's such a slut and SUPER fat"

"She probably using Hayes for fame"

"I heard a rumor her parents died? She probably made it up for sympathy."

I felt the tears come on my face.

Cameron had gone to the grocery store to get dinner so I decided to do something I promised myself I wouldn't do again.

I walked up the stairs slowly, anticipating each step carefully and walked down the hall to the small bathroom connected to my bedroom.

I picked up my razor from my shower ledge and slid it across my wrist.

"For your mom and dad, who never loved you."

"For Cameron, who is sick of taking care of you"

"For Brent, who you let down by breaking his heart."

"For All of the Magcon boys, who's lives you barged into and ruined"

"For Cece, who you never talk to anymore"

"For the fans, who are right when they call you fat, ugly, a slut, etc."

"And for Hayes, who you don't deserve and will never love you"

I set it down and let the tears fall.

I stared at the fresh 7 slits across my wrist.

I cried in frustration but also let out a sigh of relief.

"Laura?" I heard Cameron call from downstairs.

I quickly washed my cuts off.

I winced in pain.

I washed the blood out of the sink and started apply a towel to my hands.

"Laura?" I heard Cam enter my room.

I turned around and placed my hands behind my back and threw the razor to the side.

"Laura?" He entered the bathroom. "You ok?"

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed.

I coughed.

"I mean, yeah, can't I wash my hands in peace." I played it off.

He nodded, not buying it fully but agreeing with it for now.

"C'mon, help me make some food." He said.

"Okay, be down in a sec." I nodded.

He left the bathroom and I sighed again before following him, plopping down each step.


Hey guys!

I also wanted to let you know that I DO NOT CUT!

If you do cut please get some help and stay strong bc you are worth it.

But once again I don't cut and this is all purely fictional!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and ily all!

- xoxo Laura

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