Chapter 3

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Enjoy the chapter!


Laura POV

The funeral was that next Thursday.

All the Magcon boys flew to my hometown to be with me.

As soon as I told the boys my parents were dead. I got exactly what I didn't want.


Sure they were just trying to help. But I didn't wanted to be treated like I wasn't able to do anything for myself.

They wouldn't even let me make my own sandwich.

They had people come up and say "a few words" about my parents.

Sure, my parents weren't perfect. They hadn't cared when Nick had abused me, they never supported me, but they were my parents.

And in some twisted way, I think they loved me.

And I loved them.

Because it wasn't about the bad times. It was the times when they actually cared. The times when they were concerned for me or helped me out.

Because funerals aren't for the dead. They're for the living.

Cameron massaged my shoulders. Rubbing his fingers in circles and comforting me.

It was official.

My new name is Laura Dallas.

Cameron's mom had signed the papers, very generously, but I was living with Cameron.

I stared at the ground as my parents were lowered in.

I gave a small sigh and wiped the final tears from my face.

I stayed until everyone left. Nodding at the people who gave me reassuring and comfortable smiles.

Finally it was just me and Cameron, looking at the freshly covered grave of my parents.

"You ready?" Cameron finally spoke.

I nodded.

We drove back to my home in silence.

When we arrived we immediately got to work.

We sorted through everything.

Some things I would leave in a storage unit here in town, other stuff I just planned on selling.

Finally at 10 pm that night we finished.

We sat on the air mattress I had set up since everything else had been sold.

"It's crazy. Just everything is so crazy. I can't go more than 2 weeks with some tragic event." I said glumly.

"You don't deserve half the stuff you go through. It sucks. I'm so sorry." Cam said.

I knew he was trying to help. I was thankful for him right now. But he didn't understand.

"No one understands." I sighed.

He nodded, not knowing what else to say.

We sat in silence. The only noise that could be heard was the small hum of the air conditioner.

"We better go to bed." Cam said, breaking the silence and standing up. "We have a big day tomorrow."

I nodded and got up to turn the light off.

I flicked the switch and say quietly on the mattress.

"Goodnight Laura." Can whispered.

"Night Cam." I sniffled.

I felt tears rush onto my face.

This is the 5th night I've cried myself to sleep.


Sorry it's so short! But thanks for all the read and votes! Love you all!

-xoxo Laura

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