Chapter 6~I'll Protect You

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Kiss me goodbye,

Into the light....

Like a Phantomrider,

I'm dying tonight.

So dark and cold...

I drive alone.

Like a Phantomrider, can't make it all on my own.

Promises, I scratched, so deep

In your empty seat...

(Phantomrider-Tokio Hotel) 


"Come here, Kat! I need to look at your wounds." Alias half-whispered half-shouted. I honestly didn't want to get too close to him, and honestly, why would I? After what had almost happened on Olair's war-field...

But as much as I hated it, I had to. The deep gouge in my arm would without a doubt get infected with time. Noting the slight smirk on his face, I took caution when I approached him. Unfortunately for me, he got impatient and pulled me over to him by the wrist with a loud sigh. 

He honestly needed to learn to keep quiet. We were in freaking Demon's Land! At any waking moment, a mage or demon could come out of no where and kill us. Or, at worst, Airyolis himself may decide to make an appearance! But he obviously didn't care, seeing as he pulled me towards what looked like a stream, but it's water was the colour of ivory mixed with crimson, and I had to desire to be near it. I sub-consciously began to fight against his strong grip on my wrist. His smirk grew even wider, showing his glowing, sharp teeth. In one swift movement, he pulled my body to his. I tried to resist him but only to realize that one of his muscular arms was snaked around my waist. Seeing as he was taller than me, I had to look up at him, my eyes wide with shock at this sudden contact.

"Now isn't time to be a princess, darling... We're in the Demon's Land now, act fierce... Like a lioness." His eyes glinted with a mix of humour and malice, a combination that made me uneasy to see, especially on a man like Alias! With his free hand he stroked my left cheek lightly, almost tenderly. I swallowed hard and squirmed in his awful grip. He was honestly beginning to freak me out. He was coming on so strong... Not to mention I was in the middle of doing a fatal trial to prove that I loved another man.... Stubborn, much?

I continued to struggle and- to my surprise- he let go almost immediately. I was only able to inhale a staggered breath before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a sitting position. Suddenly curious: I watched as he cupped his hands and took some water from the bloody stream. Turning back towards me, he transitioned the water to one hand and with the other he began to gently rub the water on each of my wounds, taking great care not to hurt my arm. It stung at first, but then a cool sensation washed over them. I couldn't help but smile: he was being rather sweet... For a Demon Angel... Whatever that was. I couldn't help but think of him as a big brother in that moment: Save for his strong approaches on me. What was sweet immediately turned awkward when he rubbed the soothing water onto a cut that ran horizontally accross my upper chest. I gasped as the cold water slid down my arms and all the way down my stomach through my clothes. A blush suddenly creeped up onto my cheeks and I mentally cursed myself for this action. I could see Alias smile lightly, but, for once, not a single word was said. Unable to contain myself, I closed my eyes and let the cool feeling from the water wash over me. 

"You know... Those clothes aren't really fitting for a so called "Warrior Of Love"" He mocked. Narrowing my eyes, I burned holes into his. But I couldn't help but agree. My black jeans and top were nothing fitting of a fighter, even though blood stained them in many places. In one quick flash, I found myself sitting in a rather beautiful garment. 

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